Houses for kids – Get your little ones excited about real estate

We are buying, restoring and selling real estate for the last 8 years now. We have two girls, 5 and 3 years old. Going to the DIY shop has been part of the weekly routine all their life. No wonder our girls are full of ideas about having their own little building projects.

Of course they have their own little space in the garden with the traditional sand pit where they can unleash their creativity. I already watched them assembling stones to built ways and building houses for little bugs they collected. Sometimes they use little sticks to pretend they are drilling holes or using it as a screwdriver.

Continue reading Houses for kids – Get your little ones excited about real estate

An Overview of Expected Property Price Growth in Europe

I was reading an article recently which reviewed a recently published S&P report. It indicated that 3 countries are set to led the price growth in property: Ireland, Portugal, and the Netherlands.

It appears the price growth in these countries is as a result of a shortage in supply.

The report predicts that the top 3 countries will continue to see growth in property prices until at least 2020. For the coming year it predicts growth of 8.5% in both Portugal and Ireland with the Netherlands close behind. Continue reading An Overview of Expected Property Price Growth in Europe

The most expensive cities to rent in Europe

And the winner of the most expensive cities to rent in Europe is…..London!

In a recently published report London topped the list of the most expensive cities. Moscow and Zurich came second and third. At €6,300 per month for a 3-bedroom apartment in a prime area London is over 3 times higher than the European Average.

Continue reading The most expensive cities to rent in Europe

What should I consider when buying an investment property abroad?

Although the prospects of trying to manage an investment property abroad can be scary with some careful steps the process can work well.

First with regard to the property purchase you need to ensure you have local legal representation. Rather than using Google to find this try to find someone else who, similar to you, has bought investment property abroad and get a reference from them. Continue reading What should I consider when buying an investment property abroad?

Buying a house in the USA – A step by step guide

Buying a house in the USA could be the first step toward the American dream.

Buying real estate abroad is now common practice for more and more investors and the USA is definitely one of the most sought after places to buy investment properties. Continue reading Buying a house in the USA – A step by step guide

Should I buy investment properties through personally or through my company?

Investment properties are usually bought as a 2-fold purpose: Firstly due to potential rental income and secondly in a hope they will appreciate in value.

First we will have a look at the rental income element and the difference between buying personally or through a business.

Rental income in almost all countries is subject to tax. Rental expenses (including mortgage interest) can of course be deducted but everything left generally incurs a tax burden. Continue reading Should I buy investment properties through personally or through my company?

Buying a house in Portugal – A step by step guide

Buying a house in Portugal:
Portugal is one of the favorite locations to move abroad.
It’s no wonder that it is the first choice for many when looking to buy a home to relocate or to spend their holidays.

If you have your eye on that nice cottage with sea view in sunny Portugal, then you are in the right place.

Here is a step by step guide to take you through the entire process when buying a house in Portugal.

Continue reading Buying a house in Portugal – A step by step guide

Rent a room to earn income and save tax

It appears most countries across Europe now have a scheme whereby you can rent a room in your house and the income earned is tax-free up to a threshold.

This is certainly something worth considering as many countries charge a crippling tax rate for rental income or for many people the extra income pushes them in a higher income tax rate. Effectively this means they may be paying back almost half the extra income in tax. Continue reading Rent a room to earn income and save tax

Irish government affordable mortgage scheme

In the last few weeks the Irish Government launched a mortgage scheme to help low and middle income families (with salaries up to €75k per annum) get their first home.

The scheme offers very attractive lending rates (as low as 2% fixed for 25 years). Also, applicants do not need to adhere to the strict central banks rules for income.

The mortgage scheme will be open to new, second hand, and even self build homes.

Continue reading Irish government affordable mortgage scheme

Why Estate Agents are here to stay

Every so often there appears to be a push toward the ‘sell your house yourself’ movement with companies appearing who will send you a ‘for sale’ sign and a ‘sell it yourself’ explanation pack.

When all this first starting gaining traction a few years I was inclined to think it was a good idea. Now though I have changed my mind.

Whilst we all may feel that Estate Agents do very little I have come to appreciate what they do, let me explain why.

Continue reading Why Estate Agents are here to stay