How My House Project Helped Me to Escape the COVID Insanity

While social distancing is strongly encouraged—and you should stay home if you can—you have the time of your life. Or haven’t you?

Articles about how wonderful this time at home is, are popping up like mushrooms in autumn. You hear how you can find new passions and hobbies like painting, reading, baking, cooking etc. It all sounds really lovely, just like great holidays at home. How cool is that!

Expectation vs Reality

Reality sometimes paints a very different picture. While others become master chefs, you might not even have any appetite. Or while others are proud how they have parties in zoom with family and friends you may just wish to be left alone finding this peace you so desperately long for. Seeing all this happy people at home made me wonder, why is it so damn hard for me?

Although I would generally consider myself mentally healthy with a stable family life, I found the new situation very challenging. This was for many different reasons. And that’s it really. Everybody of us is different and copes with this new situation during COVID in a different way.

Keep Yourself Busy with the Right Thing for YOU

One factor for me was that I had not much to do at home where I could really find my inner peace. Being at home with all the family all the time can get on your nerves a little, especially if you weren’t used to it. This is even worst if you have no space to escape to. For example, if you have just one bedroom—of course shared with your spouse—that functions also as office for both of you.

What saved me was something I noticed even before the COVID. It has to do with retired men in my region who worked in construction. Strangely enough, after they retired, they keep seeking work for themselves. They even offer their services at a very low price. I could never understand why—after a life of hard labour—you still want to work more. But now I do.

I have a thing in common with those retired men. I love to work and I always enjoyed working with my hands. Working in construction gives me the feeling that I create something lasting. Also, physical activity is proven to be very beneficial for your mental health.

Physical Activity Is Good for Your Mental Health

When you hear “Physical Activity” the first thing that comes to mind is doing some sport—working out in a gym. But working in construction gives a fair amount of exercise too. Fact is, working hard makes me happy. This gave me an idea. 

My House Project

Fortunately, I live in an area with a number of uninhabited run-down houses in the neighbourhood. Therefore, it was easy to find a cheap house for sale. I was able to buy one for me that I can renovate now in my own time, all by myself. Not only is this incredible rewarding but I can also go there whenever I need some alone time. It has given me a completely new feeling of freedom—something I lost during the COVID.

My house project also helped me to learn lots of new things. Before doing something fresh in the house I always watch some “How to” movies on YouTube. It’s incredible how creative people are. This is definitely contagious.

Not Only a Personal Achievement

My House Project hasn’t gone unnoticed in the neighbourhood. I got a lot of positive feedback from the neighbours. As much as my house project has benefited me personally in this critical time, I’m still looking forward to profit from it financially. Once finished I’m sure I can sell it for a good price.

Looking for your own House Project? Find it on


Our Property under 20k team are the founders of and with the goal to search the cheapest real estate in the world and make it easy for others to find. The team is made up of landlords, real estate investors, architects and builders from several different countries.  We just love to have a good strong cup of coffee while we write our experiences in this blog.

Images: (1) Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay (2) Image by 272447 from Pixabay

More Sales – Real Estate Turkey COVID-19

Turkey seems like a good investment for real estate as it is a country where the property and construction sector is very dynamic. Despite the COVID-19 situation we have seen an increase in people looking for houses and apartments for sale in Turkey. This is a good sign.

Seeing that, we made some further investigation on this topic.

Advantages for Foreigners to buying Real Estate in Turkey

Not only is Turkey famous for its breathtaking beaches, outstanding hospitality, yummy foods, and fantastic weather but it comes with a whole bunch of other advantages. If you buy a house in Turkey for at least 250 thousand dollars as a foreigner you and your family will have the right to Turkish citizenship within six months This means, you can do both: make a lucrative investment and become Turkish citizen by purchasing real estate in Turkey. But what really hit many by surprise was the excellent response to the pandemic. For sure this had a huge impact on the positive development regarding the property market.

Real Estate Turkey COVID-19

I read a few articles about how well Turkey handled the COVID-19 crisis. Some measures have proven especially successful with foreign investors who could still enter the country. Starting with a full health insurance for travellers to cover medical costs in case of COVID-19 infection for as little as 25$ up to a web application where you easily can apply for all papers needed when making a property purchase. This makes it easier than ever to travel and shop around for some good real estate in the sun.

Web Tapu

First of all, TAPU is a document confirming the right of ownership to the attained real estate in Turkey. It confirms the transaction and only after it is received you are recognized as the full owner of the Turkish property.

Web Tapu basically means land registry on the web. Here you can apply online for many procedures needed to buy a real estate. This is the best answer to any possible Real Estate Turkey COVID-19 problem.

In the Web Tapu Guide it reads:

“It is now implemented as an electronic system allowing the foreigners, who have a foreigner ID no, to manage their real estate in electronic environment without having to physically visit the directorate of land registry and to apply online for 46 different land registry procedures, such as sale, mortgage and transfer, to send information and documentation necessary for the procedures in safe online environment, to verify their documentation and to authorize third persons or real estate agents for these purposes. Web tapu System will very soon be available in 6 different languages (English, German, Russian, Arabic, French and Spanish). “

Thinking to buy property in Turkey?

Are you looking for your perfect home in the sun, or just a good investment?

You can find real estate for sale in Turkey on:


Our Property under 20k team are the founders of and with the goal to search the cheapest real estate in the world and make it easy for others to find. The team is made up of landlords, real estate investors, architects and builders from several different countries.  We just love to have a good strong cup of coffee while we write our experiences in this blog.

How Homes will change after COVID-19

Homes will change due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We can say this because every pandemic in the past had an impact on our way of living and resulting in a change of the traditional layout of homes.

In this pandemic therefore it is worth to consider how home layouts might change in the future – especially if you are planning to build, renovate or buy a house.

How pandemics have changed house layouts in the past? How pandemics lead to improved living conditions? Let’s look at a few examples.

How homes changed after pandemics


Did you know that the Planning for Central Park began in the immediate aftermath of New York’s second cholera outbreak? Frederick Law Olmsted whose first child had died of cholera, was one of its landscape architects. In his writings he often highlights the importance of large open places to allow individuals to breath fresh air, enjoy the sunlight, and in his writings we can read how the air could be ‘disinfected’ by the sun and foliage of the trees. He went on to design more than 100 public parks and recreation grounds all across the US.

The cholera outbreak had an impact in many cities all around the world, especially in the area of developing better sewage systems. By doing so, having an indoor toilet became possible for many households. Yes, you read correctly, the bathroom as we know it today is a fairly recent addition to the traditional home layout.


Although Tuberculosis has existed since ancient times it caused widespread public fear in the 19th and early 20th centuries as the illness became common among the city’s poor populations. Many sick people were sent to sanatoriums where – beside a lot of rest, high altitude, and good nutrition – the biggest emphasis was put on a lot of fresh air. Some believe that even modern architecture was inspired by the 20th century obsession with Tuberculosis as the spaces of the sanatorium gave rise to the clean, sleek shapes of modern buildings with big windows for fresh air and sunlight.

Spanish Flu

In the 1918 influenza pandemic the great importance of sunlight and fresh air was also identified. That was the reason why radiator heating became popular in cities after the 1918 pandemic. Especially those that overheat! A lot of emphasis was put on sufficient ventilation to battle disease and this pushed engineers to design steam heating systems – some of them still overheat apartments today – so anybody would still open their windows even on a freezing cold winter day. 


The conclusions we can take from all of the above is that we need to live in a space that is not too big – so we are able to clean it quickly, easy and regularly – at the same time we need sunlight and as much fresh air as possible.

At the same time, we need more space to be able to have a bigger distance between people and to allow enough private space for each individual. Especially if you have children, they need space to play and jump around in case they are not able to go out anymore. A big backyard scores big these days.

How homes will change – What we have seen so far

So far, we can see that buyers look for bigger as well as smaller houses – depending on if they are single people or families. Also, we can see a jump in self-sufficient living – at least partially. People lean more and more in the direction to became a bit less dependent by growing some food in their balconies and backyards, installing solar panels or digging their own well if they can.

Unfortunately, the covid-19 pandemic has complicated our life’s and even traumatised some of us. But it is also a lesson for us to learn how we can improve our way of living. It is thrilling to watch new ways and inventions people come up with to tackle this challenge.

If you are looking for a new home have a look at Let us know in the comments below what do you believe would be a great home improvement these days?


Our Property under 20k team are the founders of and with the goal to search the cheapest real estate in the world and make it easy for others to find. The team is made up of landlords, real estate investors, architects and builders from several different countries.  We just love to have a good strong cup of coffee while we write our experiences in this blog.

Image: Image by Peter H from Pixabay

Buy and Sell Digital Property

That’s right, not all properties are made of bricks and mortar, these days, properties can be made with zeros and ones as well.

In many ways digital property is just like real estate, that’s why some even call it digital real estate. You can buy or sell it just like a house a flat or land.

In the light of the pandemic, digital property has skyrocketed in popularity – and it makes perfect sense. With many people either out of work or working from home having an online business seems the obvious solution. But what exactly is digital property and how can you earn money with it?

What is Digital Property

Digital property basically includes all sorts of data– anything you could have in a digital format. Data are the files that are saved on and used by computers – such as text files, pictures, audio files, movies…etc. In most cases those files are saved remotely and accessed over the Internet. Some examples of digital property are: websites, blogs or YouTube channels.

In this article we will focus on digital property that – similar to real property – can generate income for you.

How digital property is generating income

There are many different ways to earn money with your online business. The most common and easiest ways is to earn money from ads that are displayed on your website, blog or YouTube channel. In this case you would allow a third party to display ads on your website, blog or in between movies that you have in your YouTube channel. Usually you will be paid every time a visitor clicks on these ads.

It is very easy to apply for it, but some advertiser would only agree to display ads once your online business has a certain “popularity” or better if it has more than a specific number of visitors per month. The most popular “Pay Per Click” Advertising is through Google AdSense.

Other ways of monetizing your website/blog/channel would be the following.

Affiliate marketing/links

You recommend a service or product to your audience and provide a link where they can purchase it. Once they do so you get a share of the sale.

Sell your own product, ad space or service

Of course, you can sell advertising space directly to brands if you like. Or you could have your own online shop or sell a digital product… there are many possibilities.

Flip your website

You can create an income generating website and then sell it.

How to get a digital property

There are two ways to get your hands on a digital property: you either create it yourself (maybe with some help of a programmer, web designer or a nerdy friend) or you can buy it.

There are great marketplaces out there where you can snoop around to find a good deal.

The value of an online businesses has its own way to be calculated. Depending on the monthly income, age and how stable the income is, as well as how many visitors you have. The average monthly income will be multiplied by 12, 24 or maybe even 36. Best is to leave this to the experts who can also verify the information given by the seller. This again can be compared to buying or selling real estate. There are agents out there that will guide you through the entire buying/selling digital property process.

These agents have the means to verify if all the numbers ad up and if the digital property you are interested in is genuinely what is being advertised. They will also help you to pick the right digital property within your budget, expertise and amount of time you can dedicate to it.

From our own experience, one of the best digital property Marketplaces out there is Trustiu – if you want to buy or sell a website, blog or YouTube channel this is a great place to start. They have a dedicated team of experts ready to help you buy or sell your digital property.


Earning money with your own online business is a great way to support yourself from the comfort of your own home. It is not as difficult as it seems – anyone can do it.


Our Property under 20k team are the founders of and with the goal to search the cheapest real estate in the world and make it easy for others to find. The team is made up of landlords, real estate investors, architects and builders from several different countries.  We just love to have a good strong cup of coffee while we write our experiences in this blog.

Image: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

10 Things to Know About House Painting

Painting is one of the most enjoyable activities when you know how to do it properly. Most homeowners have been living with white walls for decades because they dread painting. You can easily improve the look and feel of your home by simply painting a new color. And this doesn’t take much effort.

Paint colors make a statement of the homeowner. You can use bold to mute colors depending on your preference. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to paint your house. Here are ten things that you should keep in mind when painting your house to make the task easier. You’ll probably enjoy painting after knowing these ten things. Let’s get started!

1.     Preparing a room makes a huge difference

All great painters know that painting is easy when there are no objects in the way. Emptying your room as much as you can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. If you are painting your bedroom, remove the beddings and move your bed and other furniture pieces to the center. And cover them with an old sheet.

While it may seem unnecessary to wipe down walls, it is a critical step. Whether you see it or not, there is a buildup of dust, dirt, and oil that will affect the quality of your work. Remove the debris before painting to allow the paint to stick to the walls.

You should also fill the cracks and nail holes and tape off the window trims, adjacent walls, and light switches. Cover the floor using newspapers, old clothes, or a roll of paper. Prepping the room before painting is a critical step that shouldn’t be ignored.

2.     Test the color

It’s quite difficult to know how a particular color will look on your walls before painting it. If you’ve been thinking of painting a new color, it’s important to buy a sample. Let the paint dry and observe its color during the day and at night.

This will give you a clear picture of how the color will look like after the paint job. If you are not sure about a particular color, buy a few samples, and test them. You’ll be amazed at the colors you’ll fall in love with. And even more surprised at how your favorite color looks in your home. Testing out colors before committing will save you precious time in the long run.

3.     Color your world

Choosing and mixing colors can be frustrating for some. However, you shouldn’t allow the fear of mixing colors to make you choose plain colors like white, beige, or off-white. Trying out different colors will help you evoke different emotions while in the room.

For instance, dark colors add depth and texture to your space. This is especially true if the room is enormous with high ceilings. On the other hand, if your room is small with little or no natural light, bright colors can open up space. Don’t be afraid to mix colors. You’ll be surprised by the result. Colors are fun. Don’t be afraid to add them to your rooms.

4.     Choose your finish wisely

While the color matters, the finishing does as well. High gloss paint finishes are easy to clean and durable. However, they usually highlight the imperfections on your walls. On the other hand, a flat paint finish hides these imperfections. However, it is more susceptible to damage. The egg shell finish hides imperfections, provides some gloss, easy to clean, and prevents damage. Choosing the correct finish will improve the look of your house.

5.     You can change the paint

After painting a small area of the wall and observing it, you may discover that it doesn’t look great once the walls are completed. Fortunately, the paint is usually cheap. And you can change it easily. If you discover that a particular color doesn’t look great, you can simply paint over it. If the colors are too overwhelming, you can consider leaving one wall painted your preferred color. Always know that you can change the paint whenever you want to. So don’t be afraid to try them out.

6.     Determine the amount of paint you’ll require

The last thing you want to happen is run out of paint while working on your project. Also, you don’t want to buy too much paint. You need to calculate the amount of paint you’ll need before going to the hardware store. You can do this easily by knowing the square footage of the room. You also have to think about the number of coats of paint that you want. If your walls are not primed, you’ll need two coats. Calculate the size of your room in advance to avoid buying too little or too much paint.

7.     Priming is crucial

Priming is a critical step during the preparation period. Primer enables the paint to stick to by sealing the walls. After filling in the cracks and holes, primer becomes more essential. Even if you’ll use primer, it’s still important to clean the walls. Primer improves the look of your room while minimizing the amount of paint that you use.

8.     Use the right brush

The use of a natural bristle brush with water-based latex paint will result in limp bristles that cannot absorb water thus making it harder for the paint to spread out. If you’ll be using water-based latex paint, always go for artificial brushes made from nylon or polyester.

9.     Roll after brushing

The idea of brushing corners before rolling your walls can be confusing. However, it’s essential for you to brush before rolling. Invest in a high-quality brush and paint out an inch from the ceiling, corners, and baseboard. These are common areas that rollers don’t reach. Use the roller afterward to flatten the brush marks and smoothen the surface. Brushing the corners and edges can be a tedious activity but it’s essential when painting.

10. Invest in quality supplies

All your supplies need to be in top shape before getting started. This includes your ladder, rollers, and paintbrushes. Investing in high-quality tools will save you time and reduce the risk of injury.


These are some of the essential tips that you should keep in mind when painting your house. By following these ten tips, you’ll end up with perfect walls. And you’ll enjoy the work of your hands. Taking the time to prep your walls will pay off in spades in the long run.

Author Bio:

Leon Collier is a blogger and writer at assignment help UK, professional essay writers and custom essay service from the UK. He loves to write about everything: pop-culture, history, travel, self-development, education, marketing. When not writing, you can find him behind a book or playing tabletop games with his friends. Follow him on Twitter @LeonCollier12

Image: Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Top Neighborhoods To Visit In Cairo

The capital city of the beautiful country of Egypt is Cairo, as well as it is well known around the globe, it is also very crowded and busy throughout the year regarding tourism, business ventures and future developments among the Arab region. When speaking about Egypt, Cairo is well known for its ancient history and artifacts around the city but there is more to see in Egypt than the capital but definitely it is a place to be noticed and visited as well not to mention, one of the top cities to live in when it comes to living in Egypt whether it is short term or long term stay. When considering the top places that you can choose from in the city of Cairo, there are actually very few places that arouse the interest of newcomers/expats or people trying to conduct their business within the country and they are included below in the article and worth reading if visiting Cairo is part of your future plans. Before booking a hotel, hostel or apartment, be sure that you have an idea of the area around it first so that you don’t spend most of your time commuting regardless the activity that you have in mind.


The well-known beautiful island in the middle of the Nile River, Zamalek is the home to some of the most beautiful sights and views within the outstanding city of Cairo. Among the many points of interests, Zamalek also hosts most of the city’s embassies as well as plenty of places and activities around the neighborhood that can be enjoyed regardless if you are alone or with beloved family or friends. Zamalek is Cairo’s nightlife hub, with plenty of bars, restaurants and shisha cafés, it is most of the local’s or expat’s favorite neighborhoods to visit because you simply can’t go wrong when it comes to this place specifically for all those who love the outdoor life and common activities among the society. Zamalek also includes many art galleries that can be seen as dynamic as well as interesting stores that can carry everything from antiques to the latest fashion trend. Last but not least, one of the main neighborhoods known for its security, which makes it great for walking around and feeling secure at all times during the day. If you are choosing to live in Zamalek, the view among the Nile will take your breath away by enjoying the scenery of cars and boats crossing the river all day/night long. Gezira Club is in the center of the island as it one of the many places that you can actually enjoy fresh air among the city avoiding all its polluted areas and negative causes that one’s health, the club has many sporting courts, a running track and an outstanding gym.


Better known as Cairo’s natural greenery oasis, where you will find most of the locals speaking mostly about the parks, trees, and grass and adoring sights among one of the favored neighborhoods of locals and expats alike. Maadi is well known for its foreign influence among the area which doesn’t always mean that it is the best place for nightlife spots as much as Zamalek, but it is definitely noticed by its hotspot areas such as Road 9 which is full of stunning restaurants, shops, cafes and possibly a bar or two around the area. Old Maadi, Maadi Sarayat and Degla are the top areas known among Maadi for being the best walking neighborhoods in the capital city of Egypt. 

NEW CAIRO (5th Settlement or Tagamoa’ El Khames)

This newly modern area in Cairo, just built over a decade ago is among the very few places that many people can choose from when it comes to living or staying in the country especially because all of the hotspot locations as well as being close to all the important places as well within the city. This eastern suburb in Cairo isn’t known for the usual sightseeing visits as well as it is a calmer and openly spacious when regarding traffic unlike central Cairo, and it is known for being closer to the airport which is less of a hassle for those who are staying for a short stay and trying to enjoy their trip as much as possible.

You will find all the best international brands, restaurants, and shisha cafés and last but not least, Cairo Festival City which is known now as one of the best malls that Egypt has to offer. One of the greatest aspects of living in New Cairo is actually the many amazing compounds included within the properties and having the luxury to reside in such tremendous locations within these secured compounds. Road 90 is the well-known destination among locals and expats both for a great lunch/dinner and even shopping experience. New Cairo is also amazing when it comes to all the needed educational needs that most families may need when choosing to reside in the city, but don’t worry New Cairo has you covered with all the best schools around the area such as Chouifat, American International School in Egypt, Narmer American College and the new campus of the American University in Cairo. It is better to stay within the area of New Cairo to enjoy its modern atmosphere if you aren’t too interested in the greenery of Maadi or the historical yet loud scene that Zamalek can offer.


The city of 6th of October is the western equivalent of the 5th Settlement also known as New Cairo. This suburb located in Cairo is the home to many commercial centers full of restaurants, stores and many popular malls such as Mall of Egypt, Mall of Arabia and much more. 6th of October City might be the best place to stay if you are choosing to stay close to all the historical artifacts in Cairo such as the Great Pyramids of Giza and/or the Saqqara pyramids. When it comes to traffic, it is one of the most recommended places regarding that issue however it is the furthest neighborhood in Cairo from the airport. One of the few flaws of this neighborhood is that there must be a car/cab needed most of the time as it is another place that will be hard to get around on foot unless you like to walk long distances to the requested places.


When it comes to living in a crowded as much as it is touristic, it can be chaotic for most but it is highly recommended for those who are looking forward to being adventurous and looking to get the real experience within the beautiful capital of Egypt. You can tell that this area is well known throughout the history of places such as the apartments that were built many years ago, shop after shop, and restaurant after restaurant you will recognize all the old streets and night sidewalks that dominate the landscape alongside the countless displays of historical sites along the location. Its known for being crowded but it is definitely a place that you won’t need a cab/car to commute around as it is easier to use public transportation or even walk the distances as it is definitely worth the experience to witness some of Cairo’s notable places such as the Cairo Museum, Khan El Khalili and the Islamic and Coptic Cairo that be adored when first seen.


When choosing the best place closest to the airport, Heliopolis is the best place to reside in Cairo as well as it also includes one of Cairo’s biggest malls which is City Stars, where it is nearby and you can shop for everything that you want in case you are under pressure with time. There is also the well-known place of “Korba” which is a nice yet unique place to enjoy walking as Heliopolis has it’s fair share of fancy restaurants and bars. One of the flaws of living in Heliopolis would be the usual Cairo traffic and congestion through prime hours as well as it will take quite some time to reach the center of the city and even longer distance to get to the Great Pyramids of Giza.


Located on the right bank of the Nile River, Garden City used to be the home to the many elites living in Egypt as some of the beautiful architecture still stands until this present day. Garden City hosts some of the many best restaurants and bars, it is also walking distance towards the area of Zamalek which is convenient to all those willing to visit or enjoy the nightlife and the best that the area of Zamalek has to offer. Garden City is the best place to reside if you are looking for a spectacular view of the Nile River as well as delightful walks towards the fascinating places nearby that can be enjoyed by any local or expat.



While it is considered the best place and closest place to the Great Pyramids of Giza, it is also not the favored place when regarding safety and distance from other well-known attractions in Cairo. It is also not the closest to central Cairo as well as the airport.


When speaking about crowded and a place being super hectic, Mohandiseen is one of the top places to be remembered when it comes to these aspects.


While it does have some amazing Nile River views, it doesn’t have much else to offer regarding amazing sights or experiences, which can be seen as not so pleasant for most tourists and expats.


One of the top crowded and congested areas in the city of Cairo, as it does have few touristic attractions, it is definitely not worth staying whether for short or long term and would be better to reside or a book a hotel in closer areas if you are choosing to visit Nasr City often.

If you are looking to stay in a hotel, then it would be best to aim for one around the Zamalek or Garden City area; If you are looking for a hostel then it would be best to go to the Downtown area and if you are looking to rent, purchase/sell properties within the beautiful capital city of Egypt, then you can check out our full recommended properties list right here

Author Bio

Mohamed El Zaafarany is a digital marketing consultant with interests in the travel and real estate industries who loves to connect businesses with their target audiences.

Image: Image by Nick115 from Pixabay

Don’t Make This Mistakes While Renting Out Your Apartment During Pandemic

Coronavirus and the hustle and bustle that came with it changed things around the economy and not only. Because of the quick-spreading rate, we’ve seen big shifts in business-related practices and the stock market, which are important factors driving the economy. Companies quickly changed their policies, trying to prevent their profits from dropping dramatically. The people, however, felt the virus differently. Most of them lost their jobs during the pandemic, which posed further economic difficulties for their families. Renters barely made rent during the pandemic with almost all service-based businesses closing down, tourism dropped exponentially, while employment rates were higher than ever.

The economy was not friendly for either side. Landlords and their businesses suffered greatly as well, with fewer and fewer people being able to pay their monthly share. According to a report at CNBC, single-family home rents grew by 1.7%, which was the slowest rate seen in years. Demand decreased and so rent-out companies were left empty-handed, meaning that these companies will have to increase their rates once the spread abates. 

I’m sure that renting out during the pandemic can be quite a challenge, which is why you should think twice before taking this step. You should assess the costs and benefits of making such a move and try to avoid common mistakes. Here you can find a guide on the don’ts of renting out your apartment during COVID-19. Check them out and let us know if you have any questions.

Don’t allow tenants to disrespect your authority

Even though during coronavirus renting out has been a challenge to you, this shouldn’t mean that renters should do whatever they want in your apartment. You should not accept those who disrespect your rules and authority, since you are the sole owner of your personal space. In your space, rules should be enforced by you, and those who do not respect them should not be allowed in. Try to avoid renters who violate rules and policies, even if that means less money coming your way. In the short run, failure to accept these types of renters will look like a mistake, but in the long run, it will save you serious damaging costs, trust me.

Ensure that you set up clear rules before allowing them into your apartment. Inform them of any late fee payment policies. Make sure that they know what they can and cannot do in your space. For example, if your place is smoke-free, they should know this from the start and agree in writing that they won’t ever break this rule. They should also be informed from the very first start of the financial penalties that come with disrespecting your regulations.

Allow your renters to make partial payments… for now

As I mentioned earlier, the pandemic has made things difficult for everyone, including tenants, so don’t be mean about it. Allow your renters to make partial payments during this challenging period of time. However, don’t leave everything up in the air. Come up with a final deadline on when they will be able to make the full payment. Since the pandemic can be so unpredictable, your best bet would be choosing a far final payment deadline anywhere between 6-8 months from now.

Even if allowing tenants to make partial payments could be detrimental in the short run, things will get better in the long run. If you don’t make this temporary gesture of kindness, you might lose your tenants quicker than ever. After the pandemic, they will probably decide to move out, since your renting policies are so harsh to handle. Be understanding but don’t let them cross limits, or in this case, the deadline you have imposed.

Don’t forget to track rental payment history

If you’ve decided to help your tenants out with minimal payment rates, make sure you keep track of their payment history. I’m not saying all renters will try to trick you, but some of them might, especially during these challenging economic times. Ensure that you keep proofs of all the payments that they made and that you hand them a copy of each transaction separately. Keep a record on your file with their name of it and write down the dates in which they made the payments. This is a good foundation to have in case you must take immediate action against them. And you never know, do you?

Don’t be afraid to set up rules

To clearly convey your landlord expectations and prevent tenants from behaving in unwanted ways, you will need to set up the right rules at the right time before they sign the lease. Here are some of the most important house rules to impose during coronavirus:

  • Talk about the details of payment late rent, as I aforementioned.
  • Set up the conditions for your right of entry in the apartment, under what circumstances and how?
  • Talk about quiet hours and ensure that garbage removal policies are in place.
  • If your place has a kitchen, make sure you set up rules for the use of kitchen appliances and other additions.
  • Pet and smoking policies should also be implemented from the very first start.

Those tenants whose actions violate the status quo policies should be sent notices to draw attention to these issues. If these notices are ineffective, they should be asked to leave within 30 days. Don’t make the mistakes of accepting your tenant’s mistakes over and over again – this won’t get you anywhere. In fact, you could be missing out on better tenants because of your continued acceptance of unlawful action.

You can’t just evict your tenant

Most of the states in the U.S. have taken action to minimize the impact that the pandemic had on tenants; most states have imposed moratoriums on evictions, preventing landlords from evicting those tenants who hold off paying their monthly share. This policy will expire quite soon, but other regulations might be imposed. Do your research before giving your tenants ultimatums – you might be wrong and thus, faced with a serious trial ahead of you.


Make sure that you follow the rules and regulations on renting out and are updated on the latest trends of renting during the pandemic. Do not allow tenants to disrespect your authority, allow them to make partial payments if needed, and always track their payment history.

Author Bio

Leon Collier is an essay writer from the UK who offers essay writing help and essay writing service reviews. Leon loves to write about everything: pop-culture, history, travel, self-development, education, marketing. When he is not writing, you can find him behind a book or playing tabletop games with his friends. Follow him on Twitter @LeonCollier12.

Image: Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash

5 simple ways to invest in real estate

Investment is not an easy way to do with 100% surety whether you would profit. However, if you plan to invest in real estate, it could be a great way to make money with less amount. Even if you are lack money, you can simply take loans and pay them off on installments. Real estate investing is beneficial if it is being invested in the right way. Nevertheless, if you are deciding to invest in real estate for the first time, yet you are confused about where and how to invest in this business, there are plenty of ways to invest in real estate and get profited.

I would let you know about these tactics and approaches through which you can build enough money. When you start investing in real estate, it helps in expanding your investment portfolio and can be a suitable means of earning enough. Moreover, a decent investment in real estate grants you tax benefits through devaluation, which may help you increase your returns. Thus, you are requested to stay here and start your business with low investment though get high profit.

1.      Purchase a leasing property

Buying a rental property is the excellent and most common option to invest in real estate and build money. You can purchase any real estate property, residential or commercial property to lease to renters and earn the lease income every month. This way is beneficial in several manners; you have the authority to get your renters out, or you may use the property for your personal use. Anyhow, you would get a handsome amount of income every month regularly. On the other hand, where there are such benefits, owning a rental property may cause some downfalls as follow.

  • When you invest in real estate through renting properties, you may get less income from the renter.
  • Besides, obtaining a rental property can be a time-consuming task since it is difficult to find an ideal tenant.
  • When you buy your first property to lease it, it could be costly for you. Since this is your first investment, you could get further by keeping the profit once you bought your first property.


Mortgage discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or marital status is illegal. If you find such things happening with anyone, one can report a complaint against that person.

2.      Flip a property

Flipping property is another approach to invest in real estate. It uses the term fix and flips the house, which means that you purchase a house for your personal use and renovate it. Once you discover that the house is increasing its worth, you may sell it out at a decent rate. However, the flipping house is a task that requires much patience and endurance because it takes time to get a suitable client who would buy the renovated house in a great amount. 

Nonetheless, there are a few things that you need to bear in mind while flipping a house.

  • Try not to waste your time by focusing on little details while lipping a house. In the case of a flipping house, you should consume your time watchfully and make a schedule about how much time would you give in renovating the house. Also, focus more on the selling of the house, since it is an essential part of house flipping.
  • When you buy a property for flipping, you should watch your budget out. Try to buy a less expensive house that needs fewer renovation to save your maximum money. However, when it comes to the selling of the house, you should exceed 70% of the cost of what you expect; otherwise, you would be in loss.
  • While renovating the house, you must know the market scope; what trends and styles are in. Remember, if you renovate the house in a trendy way, it will increase the worth of the house.

3.      Rent out a part of existing property

This strategy does not need much investment; you can invest your own home where you are living already. If you decide to leave your house, however, don’t want to sell it out, you can lease your whole house and get income every month. On the other hand, if you live in a house and one portion is empty, upper or lower floor, you can give that part on rent and earn every month. This approach of real estate investment can be beneficial in numerous ways.

  • You can watch your renters closely about their living styles in your home.
  • You don’t need to visit every month for rent (if you rent out a far distant house).
  • No investment for spare property is needed.

4.      Purchase REITs

If you do not want to invest in real estate traditionally, you can choose to invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). In this approach, you only need to invest money and not be required to purchase or sell the property. When you invest in any organization, it is their concern or purchase and sale property. This corporation has to pay you 90% of the profit while avoiding paying business income tax and divide the money amongst all the investors. Nevertheless, REITs are a substantial investment for the stock market and are perfect for those who want a regular income.


You are not applicable to invest in REITs if you are accompanying Traditional Rental Real Estate.

5.      Use real estate online platforms

You use some online real estate investment platforms to invest in this business if you are looking for a partner. It is usually used for investing in large commercial or residential properties. You can visit numerous online real estate platforms and link with the investors seeking partners for financial investment in real estate. If you find a decent partner with which u think you can associate, can contact and start a business. However, you need to pay the fee of using a certain online platform. This approach is beneficial in terrestrial divergence, and the profit would be divided according to the number of partners.


These were five simple ways to invest in real estate business; although, the most common and organic ways to earn a high profit are the first two. Besides, you can adopt multiple approaches to invest in real estate. Thus there is no rule to pick only one strategy; this thing would provide you higher profit. For instance, you can purchase multiple REITs and, at the same time, rent out your house for regular incomes. Anyhow, you invest in real estate through any means, there is all the profit you would get. So, initiate your real setae business and plan for a world tour.

Author: Jason Miles

Are you planning the project of a lifetime?

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9 Home Upgrades to Make During Quarantine

Feeling bored during quarantine, looking for projects to do around the house? Maybe you’re interested in how COVID-19 affects real estate prices and considering sprucing up your property before putting it on the market.

Whatever the case may be, we have you covered! Here are nine home upgrades you can do over the next few months to make your place more beautiful and valuable. We’ve broken up these ideas by category to help you find the best solution to achieve your specific goals.

Home Upgrades for a Small Space

If you’ve been cooped up inside tight living quarters during quarantine, you’re probably experiencing more cabin fever than most. It might seem impossible to make improvements when you’re working with limited square footage, but that’s not true at all—it’s totally possible to beautify a small apartment. Here are some of our top suggestions.

  • Add more storage space. An area that looks cramped and cluttered feels just the same. From those old college moving boxes that you never got around to unpacking, to all the exposed cables strewn across various surfaces, try to put everything in its proper place. You’ll do your mind a major favor by eliminating the mess, so pick up a few storage bins that you can conceal beneath the couch or bed.
  • Change up your color palette.

Sometimes, a fresh coat of paint is all it takes to breathe new life into a stagnant living space. If you’re feeling like you’re staring at a prison of four white, bleary walls, invest in some color therapy to lighten the mood—you might be surprised to see what an effect hues can have on human psychology! Whether you opt for a vibrant, red accent wall or go corner-to-corner with a coat of soft, tranquil seafoam green, the difference will be noteworthy.

Gallons of paint can get pretty expensive, but you don’t have to break the bank to upgrade your color palette. If the bed is the largest object in sight, consider buying a new, cozy comforter that you’ll enjoy crawling into, rather than feeling confined to. Then, pick up some matching throw pillows and decorative accents to tie the revamped scheme altogether!

  • Bring the outdoors inside. Indoor plants are another great way to enhance your mental and emotional health, which is especially critical during this period of social isolation. If you can’t go outside, bring nature to you by adding touches of greenery throughout the space. Lacking a green thumb, or sufficient natural light to keep plants alive? No problem. Faux flowers and plants can achieve the same effect, minus the maintenance.

These changes may seem simple, but they can make a big upgrade to a small space in a short amount of time!

Home Upgrades that Save Money

Homeowners have endless possibilities in terms of renovations: an exterior facelift, kitchen expansion, bathroom remodel, outdoor patio… the list goes on and on. But although they’re less limited in space, there are still two constraints that can impact which upgrades they choose to pursue: time and money.

It’s essential to save money when owning a home. Otherwise, you run the risk of falling behind on property taxes, mortgage payments, and outstanding financial obligations. Those who value frugality might cringe thinking about the cost of renovation, but these energy-efficient ideas are simple and affordable—and they can actually help you save money down the road by significantly reducing monthly utilities.

  • Change your lightbulbs. If it sounds easy, it is. Simply switching out your old, incandescent light bulbs with LED ones is a low-investment, high-return upgrade. LEDs use 75-80% less energy and swapping out as few as five could save more than $30 per year in electricity—but the average home has 30-60 bulbs installed, meaning you could see hundreds in savings.
  • Xeriscape the yard. This big word helps reduce your environmental footprint, which then in turn reduces your water bill. Xeriscaping refers to the process of landscaping that’s designed to decrease or eliminate the need for irrigation. Swap out thirsty plants and grassy lawns with native, drought-resistant species, strategically located to cut back on water consumed by the yard and garden.
  • Optimize the insulation. One of the best ways to save money is by cooling and heating your home more efficiently, and there’s plenty of options for how you can do so depending on the size of your budget. Installing smart thermostats, dual-paned windows, and insulated roofing are a few options.

Most of these projects you can do yourself, but hire a professional for large and/or dangerous jobs. Be sure to do your diligence and research the contractor before signing any contracts—you never know what might show up in a background check, and it would be a shame to see your upgrade turn into an upset.

Home Upgrades that Add Value

The best upgrades are the ones with the biggest return on investment. Whether you’re looking to sell, build long-term equity, or simply pass the time, here are a few examples of renovations that can make homes more expensive.

  • Replace old hardware. Replacing outworn faucets and doorknobs in the bathroom and kitchen can make your home look cleaner and more up-to-date. Choose one type of metal and keep it consistent throughout the space for a cohesive aesthetic.
  • Get rid of old grout. The grout lining your shower is porous, which makes it pretty difficult to clean as time goes by. If your tub is looking a little lackluster, remove loose grout with a putty knife and squeeze a fresh application in its place to make it shine. Bonus points for upgrading the tile backsplash while you’re at it!
  • Repaint the front door. Enhance the curb appeal of your home by repainting the front door. Bold colors like teal are trending right now, but even a traditional tone will make the property look newer by concealing the toll of time.

These upgrades are cost-friendly and when it comes time to sell your property, they can help you drive a much higher asking price.

What home improvements are you picking up during quarantine? Let us know in the comments below.

Kaelee Nelson

Kaelee Nelson received her Master degree with an emphasis in Digital Humanities and pursues her career as a writer in San Diego, currently writing for She enjoys informing readers about topics spanning industries such as technology, business, finance, culture, wellness, hospitality, and tourism.