Architect vs Real Estate Agent – who gains more?

If you are deciding your career and you like to know what’s the deal with architects vs real estate agents – maybe to decide whether you should be an agent now or study to become an architect than this article is for you.

Architects design buildings and carry a lot of responsibility – therefore one might think that an architect would gain more money. But this might not necessarily be the case. Of course, it depends on a few factors, such as the country you are working, how famous you are as an architect or how many social connections you have as an agent.

Who Gains More – The Architect or the Real Estate Agent?

Architects gain less on a house than real estate agents, and this is because they don’t get a commission on the sale of the house. They instead get paid by the hour or for their design.

Therefore, there is a sense of fairness in paying architects less than they would pay to an agent. Architects are rewarded for their creative skills that they put into the design of the house, whereas an agent may just be rewarded for negotiating skills.

In some cases, it might be that the architect gets as little as 1% of the house worth for his work whereas a real estate agent might get 3% or more to sell a property. Also, one house might be sold a few times over the years, giving more chances for agents to make money. If that’s the case it seems obvious that it is more profitable to be an agent rather than an architect.

You have to keep in mind though, that agents don’t sell all houses that they have on offer. This means they might be putting a lot of time and effort into some deals that will never give them anything in return.

Architect vs Real Estate Agent

An architect is the one who designs the building. They are responsible for the construction of buildings, buildings layouts, and more.

An agent is a person who sells real-estate property on behalf of the owner. They are also called property agents or estate agents. Their main job is to find clients and help them buy or sell their property.

Architects who are famous are more likely to make more money. They are the ones who design the big building, and they need to be paid for their expertise. On the other hand, real estate agents will always be needed in the process of selling and buying a property.

The Difficulty for Architects in Marketing Their Own Product

Architects face a lot of difficulty when marketing their own work. The architecture profession already suffers from low status and low pay, so it is increasingly difficult to get into marketing your work as well.

They must take on the role of artist, developer, manager, and marketer in order to market their work well. They must become a jack-of-all-trades in order to succeed in this industry.

What Are the Best Countries for Architects?

Architects are one of the most well-travelled professions in the world. They visit different countries for various reasons; such as to get inspiration, to network with other professionals, or even to find a better work environment.

While this is true for all architects, it is especially true for freelancers who have more flexibility in their schedule. Freelance architects often rely on connections with local firms abroad because they can’t afford to work without income for too long.

What is the Difference Between the Two Jobs?

Real estate agents are professionals who are responsible for the sale of properties. They market the property, show it to prospective buyers and negotiate the price of the property.

Architects are professionally trained in disciplines like design, construction, and engineering. They take up careers in building construction and design.

If you work as a real estate agent you would interact with clients on a daily basis who want to buy or sell their house or land. It is possible to work as an agent without any formal education. Although most people prefer experience over qualifications which is why it’s always better to start by working at another agency before branching out on your own.

Architects usually have graduate degrees in architecture from accredited schools/universities that take three years or more to complete.


Do real estate agents make more money than architects? Yes! While architects need to go to university and carry a lot of responsibility, real estate agents don’t need to go to university, and they make more money with less responsibility.

How to Start a Real Estate Investment Firm

Real estate investment is a great way to make a passive income with a lot of potential. But what should you do before starting your own business?

There are a few things that you should know before you start your own real estate investment firm. The first thing that you need to know is what kind of business model do you want to use? Do you want to work with investors as an information broker or as an investor yourself? If this is something that appeals to you, then it is important for you to understand the risks associated with both options.

The Current State of the Real Estate Industry

The real estate industry has been a longstanding and profitable industry that has been around for decades. The market has shifted over the years where more and more people are going to real estate investment firms to buy property because of their low capital requirements as well as the profitability of the trade.

Might sound like an oxymoron but a lot of people want to be a “real-estate agent” these days. They want to be an authority on all things real-estate, but what they don’t know is that there are many other ways for them to invest in the field without being an agent.

How does One Determine if they have Enough Funds or Credit Scores to Start an Investment Firm?

A strong investor with a successful track record is not the only requirement to start an investment firm. They also need to have enough funds or credit scores that are relevant for the type of investment they are starting.

There are many factors that one needs to take into account when considering investing in an investment start-up. One of the most important ones is your credit score and your ability to borrow funds for investment start-ups.

Introduction of Potential Investors in Your Real Estate Business Venture

The first step in getting potential investors is to have a plan. You need to write down all the risks, the benefits, what will the company look like after it’s been funded – basically everything that can go wrong and what could go right.

The next step is to find people who are interested in your project. This typically involves networking or reaching out on social media.

The third step is to create a pitch deck for potential investors who are thoroughly interested. A pitch deck typically includes financial information about your business, information about the team running it, and other important details about your company’s future goals.

Networking Strategies for Successful Real Estate Investors

Finding a network of people with the same interests and goals is one of the most important steps in becoming a successful real estate investor.

Networking is a broad term that means connecting with others to share knowledge, skills, and expertise. There are many different networking strategies for entrepreneurs who want to make connections with others in their field. In order to create successful connections, you need to be remarkably genuine and offer something of value in your interactions.

In addition, there are many ways for entrepreneurs to get started when it comes to networking. For example, you can go out and attend events that will allow you the opportunity to meet new people and potentially find potential connections in your field. You can also use sites like LinkedIn or Facebook groups for this purpose as well.

What are The Different Types of Property You can Invest In?

Owning property is an exciting prospect, but can also be daunting. There are many different types of property you can invest in, and the price ranges vary widely. To make it easier for you to narrow down your options, here are some of the most common.

There are four main kinds of properties that you can invest in: residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties. Residential properties are the most common type of property for people to buy because they require less work than other types when it comes to upkeep and they already come equipped with things like plumbing and electricity for your convenience. You may want to look for apartment blocks for sale.

Financing Your Investment Properties

Investing in property is not always the safest way to make money. However, it does offer a lot of investment opportunities and can be a great way to grow your wealth over time.

One of the most popular ways for investors to finance their properties is by taking out a loan from their bank. This option offers the simplicity of being able to get approved for up to 95% LTV on purchase or refinance transactions. The downside, however, is that you are not only securing your own house but also any other investments you have.

There are also many private lenders who offer financing options for real estate investors who have good credit scores and cash reserves set aside for their own down payment. As with any other investment opportunity, there are risks involved with private lending.

What Helps You Succeed as a Real Estate Investor?

It’s important to know that investing in real estate is not always an easy task. There are many ways to lose money and there are also many ways to make it. If you want to be successful as an investor, then the following tips will help you.

1. Do Your Research

Develop a game plan before you purchase your first property so that you’ll know exactly what you should buy and how much it will cost. You’ll also need to decide if you want the property for rental, flipping or long-term hold so that you can find the right place for your investment strategy.

2. Get Creative with Your Finances

It’s important that real estate investors have enough capital because their money is their most valuable asset in this business – they need enough of it to cover all ongoing expenses.

Do you have your Real Estate Investment for sale? List it with us for free.

Five Tips to Buy Property Abroad

Owning a holiday house is everyone’s dream. People spend their years saving to buy a new build house or purchase land and gradually construct the house. Having a second home gives you the freedom to choose the details and design, be it choosing between outdoor composite decking and indoor marble flooring or choosing the colour of paint for your walls. You can allow your creativity to flow according to your taste.

If you have moved to another country and are looking for a property to purchase there, certain things should be considered. Here are some amazing tips for you to consider while buying property abroad:

Do Your Research:

Before you contact a real estate agent, you need to do primary research. Having a basic idea about property prices in an area where you want to live or invest is essential. This will help you shortlist not just one but many areas that you can browse to find your dream house. Ensure to read the reviews from clients of real estate agencies you are planning to contact since foreigners can fall prey to scams quite easily. Also, do check the currency exchange rate while making the purchase.

Hire an Estate Agent:

Buying a house directly from the owner sounds like a great idea, but it only works well if you are a native. There are many legal, linguistic and social constraints when you are buying property in a foreign country. Purchasing through a real estate agent from a recognized property dealer will surely benefit you. Since the agents are looking to make their profile strong by locking deals, they will ensure that everything is precisely the way you want it and in your best interest.

Get Your Documents Translated:

Make it a rule; always know what you are signing for. Even if you purchase the property via a real estate agent, you must pay attention to the documentation. Ask them to add a translation of the contract in your native language so you can be fully aware of the terms and conditions. Also, doing so will help you sell the property in the future since you will have complete documentation in a language that you understand.

Keep a Legal Representative Onboard:

Although your real estate agent can guide you through the entire property buying and selling process, you need to have a legal representative on board to ensure that everything is going smoothly. The laws might be way different than in your country and can even vary from state to state.

Having a legal representative will give you peace of mind that you are not breaking any laws and following every legal constraint of the area. Also, legal terms are technical, and your real estate agent might not be able to explain them to you. However, a legal representative will help you understand them conveniently.

Find Someone to Partner Your Purchase:

If you are buying a holiday house in your favourite country, finding a partner with whom you can co-own the property is a great way to finance your project. It can either be a friend or a family member. This will help in reducing the cost of property for you. This will be a simple way to invest, and also, you will get a permanent spot for a regular family get-together and parties.

Also, if you co-own a property, you can do half of the maintenance and renovation done along with your partner. Take some time to discuss all the finances with your partner and also the prospects. You and your partner won’t regret investing in this!

The Bottom Line:

Buying and selling property, particularly in a foreign land, can be tricky and time-consuming. However, having the proper legal support and a real estate agent from an authentic real estate agency can ease your task markedly. Make sure to invest wisely!

Writing a Rental Ad: 10 Mistakes to Avoid

It is quite hard to face the fact that your rental property has recently become vacant, and you again have to go through the hassle of advertising it. Indeed, advertising a property can be a daunting task. That said, tenants come and go, and putting out ads for your recently vacant property is a part of the whole rental business. Having an informative, visually appealing, and accurate rental ad can increase your chances of attracting interested tenants. Unfortunately, there are certain mistakes that owners make while advertising their property.

1) A boring headline

To begin with, the advertisement must contain a short yet catchy headline that uniquely describes your property and makes it stand out from the crowd. It is the first thing that a potential tenant notices. Your ad gets more views when it has an interesting headline.

2) Insufficient information

When writing a rental ad, one should always make sure to include all the necessary details of the property in the advertisement. Whether it is about the furnishings or appliances the property has – each and every detail, however small, will make your ad more informative and eye-catching.

3) Targeting a very specific audience

Focusing on the physical characteristics of tenants or picking them on the basis of their family status would not get you a good tenant at all. Stereotypes and discriminatory behavior are a clear red flag for many and will not do you any favors as the owner of the property.

4) One source of advertising

Trends among renters change very often. Just because you found your last tenant through a certain app does not mean you will be successful in finding your next one at the same place. Relying on one specific application or medium to find tenants can make you miss out on several good options. Hence, advertise wherever you find a good opportunity to.

5) Outdated content

Using the same old, boring way of writing the rental advertisement for your property may not attract many customers. Moreover, details in the listing should be updated from time to time. Make sure to include high-quality content for the ad to reach maximum people.

6) Ignoring feedback

Customer reviews on the listing are very important. Whether the feedback you get is positive or negative, both opinions should be considered valuable. Ignoring users’ feedback can have a negative effect on prospective tenants. For the same reason, it is advised to address the reviews, however negative they may be, and try mitigating the situation. You can always ask for tips to improve your service from customers who give negative reviews under your listing. Also, you can ask them to contact you for detailed feedback, which will help you in crafting the ad as per users’ requirements.

7) Not using social media

Nothing compares to the reach that social media provides. With billions of people using social media applications, it serves as the perfect platform to advertise your rental ad on. You can connect with thousands of interested customers in a hassle-free way if you simply utilize the advancements of social media. Most people, especially the younger generation, rely heavily on social media apps for everything. They prefer house hunting on social media platforms too. So, listing your ad on Facebook and Instagram among other social media channels can make your ad reach a much wider audience. 

8) Not using proper vocabulary

To resonate with the target audience, one needs to use the right words in their advertisement. You can use specific keywords or USPs of your property to appear higher in search results. When you use the proper vocabulary, it helps the target audience to understand what you are advertising better. Stay away from ignorant, crude language, slang terms, or potentially offensive vocabulary so that your ad looks trustworthy and professional.

9) No pictures/Poor quality pictures

An advertisement with no pictures attached is good for nothing. No potential tenant would want to approach the owner of any blank rental advertisement for any queries. Apart from it being an incomplete ad, it also shows one’s unprofessionalism and lack of effort. Having clear, abundant, detailed, and high-resolution property pictures attracts customers and provides them with the convenience to see the flat without actually visiting it. 

10) Using abbreviations

You should avoid using abbreviations in your advertisement. Not only does it come across as informal, but also makes your ad difficult for a lot of people to understand. Poor rental descriptions can result in people skipping your ads and moving onto the ones that articulate the content in an easy-to-understand manner. 

It is nothing short of a harrowing task to properly advertise a property. It can become all the more difficult if you do not know how to go about it. However, if you look out for these mistakes and follow our tips, your renting business will change for good, and you will get a plethora of responses from interested tenants who will be eager to finalize the deal in no time!

Author’s bio. Jessica Fender is a professional marketer and a content writer. If you ever wondered, “I wish someone would write my essay for me”, she is one of those professional academic level writers that will save you time and your degree. She enjoys the beach, martial arts, and literature.

How to Find Cheap Houses for Sale in UK

Using the internet is probably the most obvious thing to do when looking for a house or property to buy. It’s simple enough and rapid, so there won’t be any feet dragging before getting started. Off-plan property purchasing is popular among people to its discount pricing. There are thousands of websites dedicated to selling properties throughout the country, so start hunting around today.

How To Find Cheap Houses For Sale In UK

Guide Prices

The ‘guide price’ of a property or house tells you how much other people have been willing to pay for it so far – this can be extremely useful when looking for cheap houses for sale in the UK because it gives you an insight into what they are worth. Many sites list properties with guide prices.

Auctioneers & Estate Agents

Auctioneers often specialize in selling less expensive properties, so if you have a low budget, then this is what they are perfect for! They can be very effective ways to find cheap houses for sale in the UK because it means that you don’t have to haggle with anyone – just bid higher than everyone else at auction and win the house.

The Downsides Of Buying Properties Through An Auctioneer or Estate Agent

The only downside is that sometimes an estate agent will come up with a ridiculous asking price to create interest, but having said that, they would not get any sales if they did not, so it may still be a better idea than buying privately.

Private Sellers

If you are looking for cheap houses for sale in the UK, consider getting in touch with private sellers – this is another method that gives you an excellent insight into how good (or bad) the price of a particular property can be.

Be extra careful when dealing with someone who wants to sell their house or flat entirely independently. You could save hundreds if you buy from an estate agent! The fee they charge is a percentage of the final sale price – so bear this in mind before you decide.

Avoid Buying New-Builds

It may seem counter-intuitive to avoid buying new houses for sale in the UK, but if you’re looking for cheap houses, then it’s something that needs to be considered. When builders build new houses, they know exactly how much materials will cost them and can therefore build houses that maximize their profit, and who gets hit with the bill? The buyer! If you want to save money on properties, in the long run, avoid buying newer builds.

You Can Still Buy Properties Which Have Been Built

 Go for properties that have been built within the last five years, and you will save a lot of money! You need to go back more than five years because recently built houses will still be subject to the same inflated prices as the newer builds, so it doesn’t make much of a difference.

Consider Buying A Plot Of Land

If you are considering buying cheap houses for sale in the UK, then it’s worth looking at plots of land – perhaps this would make a good investment instead? You could hire an expert to survey the land, or if it’s not particularly big, consider investing in some equipment yourself. It might take up your time, but learning the basics of surveying will be worth it – you will learn some fascinating stuff too!

Buy Properties Which Need Repairing

If you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, why not consider buying cheap houses for sale in the UK that needs renovation? Although you have to put a certain amount of money into it before they are habitable, once this is done, you can charge more rent – meaning that after a few months or years, your investment will have paid off!

Wrapping Up!

You can still buy new houses built recently, but you should go for older ones for the best value. Keep in mind that properties with guide prices will be cheaper than those without, so use this to your advantage when looking for cheap houses for sale in the UK if you want to see how much money you can save by buying a second-hand property instead of a new one.

Author: Bella Roy

3D Images – How They Can Help Sell Your Home

The Idea Behind Using 3D Images

3D images are used in a variety of industries but they are especially common in the entertainment industry. This is because 3D images add another level of realism to the experience and make the viewer feel like they are present in the scene.

3D images captured in 3D photography are not only conducive to the needs of the client, but also have a greater effect on the prospective buyer.

It can be viewed so that buyers can get a sense of feel at home.

How You Can Make Your Home Look More Appealing to Buyers

The real estate industry has been using 3D rendering to create photorealistic images of homes for a long time now. The sales of virtual staging software and services is on the rise as it saves the seller from costly home makeovers and repairs.

Virtual staging refers to presenting a property virtually, through either a 3D model or photo-realistic renders. It’s an affordable and timely alternative to physically staging your home for sale, which can involve expensive makeover jobs and extensive repairs. It doesn’t matter if you are selling a flat, house or apartment block, a 3D image can perfectly present what it can look like in the future.

Why You Should Consider Investing in Professional 3D Visuals

Professional 3D visuals for your real estate agency can make a world of difference in your online presence. It will make the process of staging and marketing the property much easier, attracting more potential buyers.

3D visuals can help you to showcase a property in a way that 2D photography cannot. They allow viewers to better see the scale and scope of a space, as well as any features that might be difficult to identify from afar. The immersive nature of 3D visualizations makes them perfect for showings and tours, letting viewers explore even the smallest details of a space with ease.

What are the 3 Major Benefits of Using 3D Imaging in Real Estate Marketing?

In this article, we will find out what are the 4 major benefits of using 3D imaging in real estate marketing.

1. It’s a low-cost solution. 3D technology is well established in the industry. It is a well-understood technology which costs less than other technologies.

2. It can offer a window into space. 3D models allow for a more immersive experience with a sense of depth and scale, giving viewers an idea for what to expect before they visit the property in person.

3. It can generate higher engagement rates. By making properties feel more real, 3D images can elicit stronger emotional reactions from viewers. It entice them to take action such as scheduling an appointment or visiting an open house.

Conclusion: how 3d images can help sell your real estate

There are three ways in which 3D images can help sell your house faster.

The first way is that 3D images are much more realistic than the 2D images present in websites. The second way is that they give prospective buyers a better idea of what their house will look like in your neighbourhood. The last way is that it helps prospective buyers to see the different options available, which increases the probability of them making a purchase decision because they can get an idea about what other homes in your area look like.

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Tips For Writing Real Estate Descriptions Buyers Love

It is easy to criticize a real estate description than to write one. Few people can write masterful descriptions yet they are responsible for sales. They bring images and videos to life, enticing buyers to make the decision. Writing ‘2 beds and 4 baths’ will not sell your property.

The good news is that real estate descriptions are the easiest to write. It is about choosing the right words that can speak to the heart of the buyer. It is also about positive vibes and knowing when to call to action. Here are excellent tips that will turn you into the next real estate mega-seller.

Start with a strong headline

The exterior is the most important selling point. It gives an idea about the neighborhood. Notice that people can always change the interior but can only do so little about the outside. The picture of the exterior is strengthened by a captivating headline.

A headline like “A Beautiful 4-bedroom bungalow in a Fenced Compound at Brooklyn Drive” says almost everything a person would want to know about a house. The buyer will now want to know about the available space and price. The headline will capture the attention of anyone looking for a 4-bedroom house. It also promises a beautiful house. The mention of fenced compound points at security. These are factors that push the reader to now ask for the price.

Be specific and accurate

It is exciting to search for a home. However, flipping through tens and hundreds of them can be tiring and time-consuming. Whenever you leave important information, your description raises a red flag. The buyers move on very fast in search of more serious sellers.

Include the details of what people look for when buying houses. Capture the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, and the location. You can take it further to include the type of wood used on the floor, the washers, and dryers installed, and ovens. While you provide information on installed appliances, avoid those that are old and would require replacement. More and accurate information lets you pass as genuine.

Say what’s unique

Houses come with minor and attractive elements that would be of interest to buyers. Most of these details are invisible in photos. However, they hold the potential when selling your house. It could be an electric fireplace in the living room or shelving in the closet. Give such features the prominence they deserve.

The rise of smart homes offers an opportunity to showcase more. People are looking for better space utilization and the infusion of technology. Talk about smart locks, lights, cameras, and doorbells. Such minor but unique details make a huge difference in your sales.

Talk about your neighbors

What can people see in the neighborhood? Are there schools, malls, dams, or parks? Such amenities give an idea of the lifestyle the buyer can expect to live.

The best real estate description is one that causes the potential buyer to imagine living his dream life. It offers enough details to arouse curiosity. Provide a call-to-action and wait for inquiries on the other end.

Author Bio

Adrian is an expert digital marketing writer, having worked in the industry for more than 5 years now. He also offers US essay writing services online to guarantee the best college experience for students. Flex is passionate about digital presence for businesses and will help you to keep your brand on top.

How to Fix Your House Problems with No Money

As a homeowner, you need to know that the property and the structure require maintenance and repair over time. There are unusual and strange events that could damage your home, yet they are not covered by the insurance.

Maintenance is predictable, but massive repair issues such as a non-functional septic tank and a falling roof could be troublesome if funds are limited. Read on to understand how you can fix your house problems with no money. 

Home remodel loan

Home remodel loans are unsecured loans offered by financial institutions such as credit unions and banks and online lenders. Since these loans are normally unsecured, you are not required to use your home as security to qualify. The interest on a home remodel loan is based on your credit score as established by the lender. After agreeing to the terms, the lender will quickly deposit the funds into your account.  

Home remodel and repair loans have lower fees and short repayment timelines compared to HELOCs and home equity loans. They are suitable for medium-size and small home repair projects such as window replacement, reinstalling a broken fireplace, and a bathroom makeover. However, because they are unsecured, these loans attract a higher interest than HELOCs and home equity loans, especially if your credit rating is low. 

Some loans attract application processing fees, prepayments, and late repayment charges, so you need to be careful when choosing this financing option. 

Before applying, compare the different loan lenders to identify the one with competitive fees, lower interest rates, quick payouts, and friendly terms of repayment.

Use a cash-out option to refinance

Some home repairs such as mold remediation, roof replacement, and ponding, and grading issues require urgent attention but are quite costly. You may consider the cash-out option to get the money fast and lower the interest on your home loan. Refinancing is all about swapping a loan with another loan, especially under the mortgage agreement. A cash-out option is ideal for financing a costly home repair and can act as a way of securing a new and better mortgage. You can use the additional mortgage money to cover the repairs. 

With the cash-out refinancing option, you will have to pay for origination fees, appraisal fees, taxes, and related costs. Refinancing translates to extending the loan repayment period, so this option is only ideal for securing a lower rate of interest. To illustrate the refinancing option, if the outstanding amount on your mortgage is $200,000, you can take out a $250,000 loan. The initial $200,000 will replace the previous balance and the difference ($50,000) is available in cash. Interest is payable on the entire amount, but it is easier to access funds on demand. 

Find community aid or government assistance

If the home damage is caused by a natural disaster, you may qualify for financial help under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Otherwise, you may check your eligibility for a community aid program in your area. Some local agencies and states offer grants and loans to homeowners for home repairs, although you must adhere to income requirements to qualify. Research your options through the Urban development and the U.S. department and understand their terms and conditions.

Being stuck with expensive home repairs may be overwhelming and stressful but exploring options may help you to avoid swiping your credit card. A credit card interest is higher than interest on HELOC, community loan, government loan, and home equity loan.

Leverage home equity

The portion of the home that you own is an excellent option for paying for emergency home repairs. 20% equity can qualify you for either a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or a home equity loan. With the equity line of credit, interest on the loan is payable only to the extent of the repair cost. For instance, if you borrow $30,000 HELOC and the home repair costs $26,000, the interest on the remaining $4,000 will not apply since this is not part of the loan. However, with a home equity loan, you borrow some amount and pay interest on the sum.  

HELOCs and home equity loans are simple to qualify for, and their interest is lower than that attached to other types of loans. These options are a great first resort, especially if you are having difficulties financing a repair. Other financing options such as the home tap could enhance access to a loan in cash in exchange for sharing your home’s appreciation. The lender will make money as your property appreciates and shares the loss if the property value declines. Either way, monthly payments are not required as in the case of the ordinary home equity loan. 

Credit cards

Credit cards are ideal financing options for doing minor repairs such as installing a closet system or upgrading your bathroom. Some cards attract no interest in the first few months, which is a good reward for someone struggling to raise repair funds. With an introductory interest-free card, you may finance the home improvements free of interest. Other cards come with cashback rewards depending on the amount spent on renovation- spending more on renovation could earn you more cash back.

Using a credit card to finance major repairs is not advisable because of the need to pay the balance before the expiry of the introductory offer. Otherwise, it could attract a high-interest rate compared to what applies to other home remodeling loan options. Additionally, using a regular credit card means that you must pay the whole amount within thirty days. The interest rates vary, and the amount payable as interest may go up with the shift in market conditions. 


The choice of financing options when doing home repairs depends on the extent of damage, credit rating, and the terms and conditions of the financier. With the above financing options, it is easier to fix your home even when you have no money. Do some research before seeking financing because different financiers have varying terms and conditions. Do the repairs as soon as the damage occurs since waiting for too long could be more expensive. 

Author Bio:

Leon Collier

Leon Collier works for a well-known UK-based dissertation service where he is a blogger and academic. He takes up every new topic as a challenge and goes the extra mile to make the paper satisfactory. Other than writing, his interest is in reading books and playing tabletop games with his friends. You can reach him via Twitter @LeonCollier12.

Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash

How To Estimate Your Rental Property’s Operating Costs

Owning a rental property can be a quite lucrative investment. You are essentially able to build your assets, while having someone else foot the bill and cover the costs. But it’s important to get a full picture of what all of those costs may be, so you aren’t caught off guard and left in the red at the end of each month.

There are both regular monthly expenses that you’ll have to cover, as well as variable costs that can be recurring and anticipated or that can be unexpected. It’s important to plan ahead, especially when it comes to unexpected costs. Let’s take a look at what to expect from month to month.

Fixed Monthly Costs

Of course, you’ll have your mortgage costs to cover each month but what else should you anticipate paying out on a regular and ongoing basis?


You’re going to have utility costs no matter what. But, depending on how your property is set up and where it’s located, those costs can vary quite significantly. When looking to invest in a rental property, remember to factor in the type of utilities you’ll be paying for and how that may change how much you set the rent at. Another big factor can be your tenants themselves, if they make use of their heat, hydro and water flippantly and without restraint.

Property Taxes

The good thing about property taxes is that you generally know what you’ll be paying out each year at the beginning of the year, making it easier to plan ahead. Property taxes can fluctuate greatly based on where you are located, so be sure to get this information before you close the deal on your rental purchase.


While your renters can take care of their own renter’s insurance to cover their personal property, as the homeowner you will want to have your own insurance to cover the home itself. Your location will determine what type of coverage you may want to consider, based on what you may be prone to experiencing, such as earthquakes.

Variable And Unexpected Costs

You never know what the next month may bring, so it’s essential to plan ahead and keep a portion of the monthly rent collected aside for the unexpected. Here are just a few of the variable and hidden costs that you may be surprised with unexpectedly.

Gaps In Tenancy

While you have typically got anywhere from one to two month’s notice to replace a tenant, depending on your rental agreement, you may find yourself in the situation where that still isn’t enough time to find a suitable replacement to occupy your rental. If this is the case, you’ll be left to cover 100% of the costs until someone moves in. Before you purchase a rental property, realistically look at whether you can cover the costs of this if it sits vacant for any length of time.

Regular Maintenance

Landscaping, snow removal and routine clean up have got to get done. You can either take these tasks on yourself or you can outsource the work to someone else. Keeping up with your regular maintenance helps keep the value of your asset growing and prevents the property from falling into a dilapidated state.

Appliance Repair

Regular maintenance of appliances can help prevent a major repair, but as with anything, they are almost certain to break down at some point. Being prepared to either repair or replace a broken appliance expediently is important in maintaining a good tenant-landlord relationship, and in preventing your tenants from moving out if they aren’t provided with proper working appliances.


The unexpected always seems to happen at the worst possible time; Furnace decides to stop working at the first cold snap or the air conditioning breaks down in the middle of a heatwave. Having some of each month’s rent set aside in an emergency fund means, even though you may not be expecting an emergency to pop up, you’ll have the funds readily available to take care of things.

Planning ahead for your monthly rental property expenses can make becoming a landlord a very profitable endeavor. Remember that your rental property is a long-term investment that you will have to maintain properly in order to preserve its value and help it grow as an asset.

About the author

Emily Henry writes about property maintenance for EssayRoo and Buy Essay Online, as well as contributing as a tutor at BigAssignments.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk on Pixabay 

How to Reinstall a Broken Fireplace in 7 Steps

Whether gas or wood-burning, fireplaces are a cozy feature representing an epitome of the home for many homeowners. Yet, the masonry joints and brick may start to crack at some point, and this is an early sign that the fireplace is going to ruin. Repairing these cracks in the fireplace can help you save thousands of dollars in future repairs and ensure your family’s safety, as it reduces the possibility of a fire outbreak through the chimney. 

Leaving those small cracks unattended during the summer may lead to very large cracks when spring comes knocking, and it becomes more complicated. Letting these large cracks in your outer brick will allow rain, ice, and snow to get inside. The water finds its way through the flashing and the outer brick and may even go farther into the flue, and this causes far more damage. 

You can prevent this large damage by repairing the fireplace as soon as you notice it has broken with the following seven steps.

  1. Tuckpoint the brick mortar

Bricks are held together by mortar, but smooth and solid mortar may become battered due to other elements, and it starts crumbling. Mortar always deteriorates first because brick is harder. Tuckpointing or repointing allows you to scrape out the crumbly part and replace it with new mortar. 

You need a joint raker to scrap the weak and loose mortar and leave the good one in place. Then, use a garden hose to spray the brick down and leave it for 30 minutes and allow the roof to dry before continuing work. 

Mix up another batch of mortar till it has enough consistency and use a pointing trowel to press it into the cracks to match the existing mortar’s look. Finally, use a tuckpointing tool to smooth the joints down. 

  • Caulk around the crown and the flue

One way water can enter and cause damage in your home is the point that joins the crown and the chimney flue. Typically, it takes a while for gaps in this area to form, and water that gets to this point flows down through the flue’s sides. 

Clean out the debris, such as loose mortar and moss using a wire brush, and fill the gap with a complete caulk bead using a high-heat mortar tube and a caulk gun.

  • Patch cracks around the large crown

The crown is the sloping cap at the top of the fireplace. It’s there to protect the masonry and prevent water from staying over the top. When the crown starts to crack, this may give you more problems than those at the vertical section because water, snow, and ice quickly gather inside. 

If you have large cracks with a diameter between 1/8 and 1 inch around the crown, you can repair them using a pre-mixed mortar or cement patch. Use a squeeze bottle to inject the crack with your repair mix, or you can use a putty knife to force the repair mix in. Typically, it takes between four and six hours for it to cure, but wider cracks may require a longer time. 

  • Use a sealant to patch hairline cracks.

Hairline cracks, also known as spider cracks, are not treated the same way as large cracks because the mineral particles inside the mortar or patch are too large, so they can’t fit into the narrow space of the hairline crack. The solution to this problem lies in using a masonry sealer with a highly liquid consistency capable of penetrating through the hairline cracks. 

A bonus point is that this product seals up other porous parts of the crown and prevents additional hairline cracks. Scrape off loose particles with the corner of your putty knife but be careful not to enlarge the cracks. Then use a brush to apply the sealer. 

  • Repair cracked bricks

A caulk gun and high-heat mortar may repair chimney bricks with one or two small cracks. First, use a screwdriver or the edge of the putty knife to clean the crack. Then use a wire brush to sweep clean the crack. Next, squeeze high-heat mortar as far as you can into the crack.

Generally, unless it is a large crack, the mortar is unlikely to extend very far. So, with a glove on your finger, clean the mortar off the crack, and clean the areas surrounding the crack with a rag.  

If the cracks on the brick are clean hairline cracks, you can close them up using a masonry sealer and a brush.

  • Replace cracked bricks

If the bricks are severely damaged, you should remove and replace them. You can do this carefully without affecting the adjacent bricks. Use a flat-head screwdriver or masonry chisel to chip off the mortar from the bricks slowly. Boreholes through the mortar, with a masonry bit and a drill, speed up this process and reach farther back.

After you loosen the brick, pull it out with your hand and chip off the residual mortar from adjacent bricks with your hand to smoothen it. Butter all the sides of your replacement brick with a small trowel (except the back or front). Then gently push your replacement brick into place. Center it in a way that all the seams have equal width. Take off excess mortar and use a tuckpointing tool to smoothen the joints. 

  • Check the draught 

You can do this by lighting a candle and holding it in front of the fireplace opening. It should draw smoke and flame up the chimney. Otherwise, it means the chimney is not well capped off or blocked.


You may not need all of these steps for all fireplace repair projects. It may just be cursory work for minor damage. However, you must examine the fireplace entirely and carefully to determine the full extent of any damage.

Author Bio

Leon Collier
Leon Collier

Leon Collier is a blogger and academic writer from the UK who works with essay help online as one of the dissertation writers. He likes trying new subjects and is always focused on proving his worth in new and challenging writing areas. His hobbies are reading books and playing pen and paper games with his friends. You can reach him via Twitter @LeonCollier12. 

Photo by Stéphane Juban on Unsplash