Buy and Sell Digital Property

That’s right, not all properties are made of bricks and mortar, these days, properties can be made with zeros and ones as well.

In many ways digital property is just like real estate, that’s why some even call it digital real estate. You can buy or sell it just like a house a flat or land.

In the light of the pandemic, digital property has skyrocketed in popularity – and it makes perfect sense. With many people either out of work or working from home having an online business seems the obvious solution. But what exactly is digital property and how can you earn money with it?

What is Digital Property

Digital property basically includes all sorts of data– anything you could have in a digital format. Data are the files that are saved on and used by computers – such as text files, pictures, audio files, movies…etc. In most cases those files are saved remotely and accessed over the Internet. Some examples of digital property are: websites, blogs or YouTube channels.

In this article we will focus on digital property that – similar to real property – can generate income for you.

How digital property is generating income

There are many different ways to earn money with your online business. The most common and easiest ways is to earn money from ads that are displayed on your website, blog or YouTube channel. In this case you would allow a third party to display ads on your website, blog or in between movies that you have in your YouTube channel. Usually you will be paid every time a visitor clicks on these ads.

It is very easy to apply for it, but some advertiser would only agree to display ads once your online business has a certain “popularity” or better if it has more than a specific number of visitors per month. The most popular “Pay Per Click” Advertising is through Google AdSense.

Other ways of monetizing your website/blog/channel would be the following.

Affiliate marketing/links

You recommend a service or product to your audience and provide a link where they can purchase it. Once they do so you get a share of the sale.

Sell your own product, ad space or service

Of course, you can sell advertising space directly to brands if you like. Or you could have your own online shop or sell a digital product… there are many possibilities.

Flip your website

You can create an income generating website and then sell it.

How to get a digital property

There are two ways to get your hands on a digital property: you either create it yourself (maybe with some help of a programmer, web designer or a nerdy friend) or you can buy it.

There are great marketplaces out there where you can snoop around to find a good deal.

The value of an online businesses has its own way to be calculated. Depending on the monthly income, age and how stable the income is, as well as how many visitors you have. The average monthly income will be multiplied by 12, 24 or maybe even 36. Best is to leave this to the experts who can also verify the information given by the seller. This again can be compared to buying or selling real estate. There are agents out there that will guide you through the entire buying/selling digital property process.

These agents have the means to verify if all the numbers ad up and if the digital property you are interested in is genuinely what is being advertised. They will also help you to pick the right digital property within your budget, expertise and amount of time you can dedicate to it.

From our own experience, one of the best digital property Marketplaces out there is Trustiu – if you want to buy or sell a website, blog or YouTube channel this is a great place to start. They have a dedicated team of experts ready to help you buy or sell your digital property.


Earning money with your own online business is a great way to support yourself from the comfort of your own home. It is not as difficult as it seems – anyone can do it.


Our Property under 20k team are the founders of and with the goal to search the cheapest real estate in the world and make it easy for others to find. The team is made up of landlords, real estate investors, architects and builders from several different countries.  We just love to have a good strong cup of coffee while we write our experiences in this blog.

Image: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How Covid-19 affects house prices

Experts are far from agreeing how Covid-19 affects house prices. Most pros advise investors to stay calm.

There is no clear answer to the question of how the prices for residential or commercial real estate will develop as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

House Prices Forecast

The forecasts range from price drops of up to 25 percent to stable prices and even further rising rents to further price increases.

We are currently in a situation that never happened before therefore it is very difficult to predict the outcome as we cannot compare it with any other time in history. There is one thing though experts agree on which can be summed up in the following quote

“There is only one thing certain and that is that nothing is certain.”

— Gilbert K. Chesterton

House prices forecasts are for this year or a maximum of twelve months. Afterwards, the experts seem to agree, the prices tend to go up rather than down. All on the premise that the recession will be overcome by 2021 at the latest. Nobody speaks of a price bubble that could burst.

Corona would at most lead to a cycle break, meaning a temporary interruption of the general upward trend.

Real Estate is “concrete gold” – a rather safe investment

Although the price boom we saw before covid-19 would be a thing of the past, real estate seems to stay a rather safe investment compared with other ventures.

Researchers cite five factors for their forecast of short-term price declines: rising interest rates, less influx into booming cities, emergency sales due to less liquidity, for example among freelancers, fewer new buildings and less demand from investors.

The good news for home owners is that we currently have no indications of falling house prices.

Capital investors who were interested in buying an apartment before the epidemic are advised to simply pursue their plans. Residential properties still offer relatively good returns.


People need to live somewhere. Even if some who were planning to buy a house can’t do it anymore due to financial difficulties, they still need a place – meaning they rent a place, which in return is good for the owner as he receives the rent.

Surely, we always like to get a good bargain that’s why some buyers are hoping that the current situation will make houses more affordable.

11 years ago, we set on a quest to find the cheapest houses in the world and are surprised with what we found. So much so, that we created a website for cheap real estate. Check it out at

Real Estate for Preppers

I just stumbled upon a few websites for preppers when I looked up how to make my own yeast (there was none left in the shop). That’s when I discovered that there is a whole trend out there, it looks like everybody wants to become a prepper these days. There are also a few real estate websites offering properties for preppers.

What are preppers and what is real estate for need?

Preppers or survivalists are people who prepare for emergencies, including probable disturbances in social or political order, as well as preparations for personal emergencies, such as job loss.

The main focus is on self-reliance, stockpiling supplies, and gaining survival knowledge and skills. Among other things preppers often stockpile food and water, prepare to become self-sufficient, if possible, off-grid living, and build structures such as underground shelters that may help them survive a disaster.

Why do so many look for real estate for preppers now

The covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to re-examine their way of life. It created a wave of interest in rural living and particularly in prepper properties. Relocation to rural areas where one can be self-sufficient to some degree is an increasingly attractive possibility.

A lot of workers have been sent to work from home, and discovered, they actually love it. They are seeing its many advantages. With internet available in even isolated locations, the feasibility of working from home has gone up radically.

It can be immensely satisfying to grow your own food.

Less populated areas = easier social distancing

People in city areas are feeling restricted to their homes or apartments. In such densely populated places, social distancing can only be accomplished by staying at home. In less populated areas, or maybe suburbs where a house comes with its own big garden there is plenty of opportunities for outdoor activity, while easily maintaining a proper distance to others.

If you are planning to become a prepper, survivalist or maybe you are just seeking some more space outdoors by moving to the countryside, have a look at our real estate listings.

Real Estate Guest Post

Guest post welcome. Do you have a topic you like to share with our visitors? We’re continually searching for articles that give a one of a kind and helpful point of view on any subject relating to real estate.

As we are listing real estate from all over the world, there is a lot to interesting areas to cover. With your help as well as other writers we can look at this subject from many diferent angles.

Real Estate Guest Post Guidelines

Title: Please give us the title of your Blog Post.

Name: we like to publish your name as author

Keyword: Please give us the keyword you are targeting with your article

The article has to be unique and well researched (no fake news).

Content Length: we would suggest a minimum of 500 words as it might be difficult to cover any subject in less than that. Please ensure your story is relevant to people in general and that it contains helpful data.

Pictures: You can send us one or two photographs to include in your article.

Altering: We maintain the right to alter your post (content, title and captions) to improve readability and SEO. In this case we will send the altered article for your approval before publishing.

If you like to include a backlink to your article please let us know before so we can approve it.  

Please contact us at to submit your guest post or for any questions.

Thank you.

We love to cover as many topics relating to real estate as possible. If you are looking to find the perfect home for you, have a look at our real estate listings.

If you like to sell your property- list it for free.


Stop getting Spam

Say hello to our anti-spam feature.

Tired of getting spam? We too. Let’s put the crooks out of business.

There’s nothing worse than finding out that your promising looking leads were indeed just fake messages, what a huge waste of time. Much worst is, that it takes not only time but also your attention away from qualified leads and those who genuinely need to get in touch with you.

Selling real estate ourselves, we understand how frustrating and stressful dealing with this form of spam can be.

It is called manual spamming and happens when people manually fill out web forms. It is the most difficult to beat because human spammers can get through many anti-spam measures that websites put in place.

Luckily there is a way to combat it and make your life a little easier.

We are happy to let you know that from now on you can block spammers. Simply mark them as spam in your query. This will allow us to keep them away from you.

How does it work?

When you receive a query by email, you can simply click the link at the bottom to mark it as spam. You can also mark it by going to your query list of your ad and flag it.

Log in and try it out.

Maximum visibility for your real estate ad

You want it? You get it!

Do you need real attention for your real estate ad? Maybe even directly on our homepage? Spotlight to the rescue! This add-on is designed for maximum visibility & attention.

Your ad will be visible at the most viewed place of all our websites. Right at the top of our homepage!

However, we not just show a thumbnail, we also show an excerpt of the details text. Choose the first words wisely to arouse curiosity of as many visitors as possible.

Your advertisement is highlighted with a yellow background in all our lists (even the gallery view).

In our lists it will display 3 additional thumbnails below the main picture. This a very good way to place even more eye-catchers to attract customers. As a result, showing additional thumbnails also create a bigger list entry which also makes your ad more present.

It can make a huge difference. Simply go to your ad and click “sell quicker”.

Try it.

Feature your ad on our homepage from as little as € 9.49 / € 9.99! Further details and prices can be found at

We wish you every success in selling or renting your property!

Use our website to post real estate listings for free

No matter if you are a private seller or a real estate agent you are probably always happy to know another online platform to post real estate listings for free.

In this article, we like to show you quickly some of the features we offer when you list your real estate ad on

Can I upload Images with my real estate ad?
Yes – you can upload up to 100 Images with your free ad.

Can I set the location of my real estate ad (Mapping Functionality)?
Yes, this is one of the main features of our website. You can set the location of your property. As a result it will show the location in your ad as well as showing your property on the map on our homepage.

Can I link to outside sites?
No. We currently do not support links to other websites. Rather, if you sign up as a real estate agent you kinda have your own page within our website. This will show like this:

Am I required to create an account?
Yes. You will need to create an account to be able to post your real estate ad for free but there are no strings attached. Therefore, you can easily delete your account anytime you wish and all your data will be deleted.

Are there Special Promotion Options?
Yes, you can book extra features with your ad but this is not free of charge. Please see our pricing page for more details.

Can I post an international ad?
Yes, it does not matter where your property is located. It can be anywhere in the world.

What are you waiting for? Post real estate listings for free for thousands of new possible buyers or tenants on

New Website Release: Ready to take off!

Our new and improved website is going online tonight (15.05.2018)!

We are excited to announce the release of our new and improved property website.

Therefore, if you’re a regular visitor to our website, you will notice not only that it looks better, but new features will be there as well. Continue reading New Website Release: Ready to take off!