5 reasons for less technology in real estate

New buildings nowadays seem like technical centres. It makes all sense as it serves both, protecting our environment and comfortable living, right?

Well… Let´s consider a few things here.

All these technical equipment didn´t pop out of nowhere. It was produced in factories. If you are concerned with the environment, make some research to see how much energy was needed or how much CO2 was produced in the making process.

With our effort to reduce energy consumption by using sophisticated technology in real estate, we have increased the cost of our construction.

Not only that. The additional costs for maintenance and service for those technologies will need to be paid for as long as the building is in use. Unfortunately, in many cases those maintenance costs exceed the amount you saved in your electricity bill.

Technology in real estate – here are five reasons to consider why less can be more

1 – High construction costs
Today, building technology is one of the biggest costs in a new construction.

2 – Short lifespan of the system
Unfortunately, many built-in technologies are less and less durable. In complex technical systems, there are many things that can break.

3 – High power consumption for unnecessary comfort
Whether timer-controlled lighting, sensors that measure the presence, automatic irrigation systems or the simple operation of complex technology chains – the “modern living” costs more electricity than some people think.

4 – Lack of workforce
At the first maintenance of the installed system, you might face a problem. No expert is available. Or maybe no one who is familiar with the complex system in your real estate. This not only leads to long waiting times for maintenance and repair, but also to increased prices for services requested.

5 – Increased electrosmog
Whether electrosmog can make you sick has not yet been scientifically clarified. Although, if a certain level of electrosmog can make you sick is still in question all agree that it is probably healthier to live with as little electrosmog as possible.

There are so many good reasons to pause and consider our approach to modern construction. We should ask ourselves how much technology we really need for comfortable living.

Keep in mind: maintenance-free systems will always save you time and money, in the construction process and beyond.

Are real estate agents paid on commission only?

The answer is: It depends.

If real estate agents are paid on commission only depends if the real estate agent is self-employed or not. If not, he would get a monthly wage from his employer plus his share in a deal when he sold something.

Being employed

Any real estate agent who does not own a business is usually an employee at a bank or at a real estate office.

This can be lucrative. Although in this case the commission is not particularly large, he receives a fixed salary each month.

The commission varies greatly with the performance of the broker. In most real estate offices the performance-related salary would be between 20 to 50 percent of the commission.

Being self-employed

An alternative to an employment with a monthly salary is being self-employment as a real estate agent.

There is no fixed income, but the commission per sale or rental is higher.

Real estate commissions are based on the price of the property. The commission for a real estate transaction is negotiable. It tends to range anywhere from 1% all the way up to 10%.

But don´t forget, as a freelance real estate agent you also have more expenses, such as costs forrunning your office and possibly paying staff. These costs will lessen your profits. In addition, self-employed need to look after their health insurance and Pay taxes (income tax, trade tax, etc.).

Real estate agents carry a high economic risk, because they are responsible for the accuracy of their statements. Basically, they work for free until they sell something. Some properties may not be sold because of unrealistic price expectations of the seller. Also, some may sell only after many months and countless viewing appointments. In addition, buyers who contact the seller directly to bypass the commission pose a commercial risk to the real estate agent.

Real Estate Investment and the Rate of Return

Once upon a time there was a gingerbread house. It was lovely decorated with lots and lots of candy…

How often we have heard it. “If something looks too good to be true, it probably is”. Unfortunately, a real estate investment is no fairy tale with a happy ever after. Especially when it comes to profit, we must be careful with promises of an unrealistic high rate of return.

But to know if something looks too good to be true, we first need to know what is a realistic rate of return for a real estate investment? And how is it calculated?

The rate of return shows how much profit in percent is made per year in relation to the money spend. Like this it is possible to compare one real estate investment to another or even compare it to other types of investments.

When a percentage value is mentioned as a return on real estate, a serious investor should first ask what return is meant. A distinction is made between gross and net return (or some also call it “cap rate” meaning Capitalization rate).

The gross return covers purchase costs and additional purchase costs, but not ongoing expenses such as administration and maintenance costs or taxes.

It is calculated like this
annual income divided by purchase price x 100 = gross return in %

The net Return includes the current expenses except taxes, so the net return is always lower than the gross return.

It is calculated like this
annual income minus all expenses divided by purchase price x 100 = Net return in %

These are just the very basic types of return – of course there are others, more complex (price return, money-weighted return, time-weighted return…).

Let´s see an example.

You bought a house for 150,000 EUR and you rent it out for 700 EUR a month. Your expenses for the house are 2,000 EUR per year.

This means that your gross return is 5,6 %.
(700 EUR x 12 month) / 150,000 EUR x 100 = 5,6 %

Your net return on the other hand is only 4,26 %.
[(700 EUR x 12 month) – 2,000 EUR] / 150,000 EUR x 100 = 4,26 %

As a result, to get a good idea of your profit it is always better to look at the net return.

What is an average rate of return?

Depending on your country and the type of real estate (residential or commercial) your average rate of return would probably be something between 4% and 10%. Of course, the bigger the rate the better. But again, if the rate of return is very high in a real estate investment you must be cautious. Also look out for the wording “possible” or “potential” yield of …. Meaning you will need to do something to achieve that – maybe even investing more money.

So, if the rate of return in a real estate investment looks too good to be true maybe take a closer look at the tenant of this nice “gingerbread house” or bite marks on the walls….

Real Estate Investment through renovation

It sounds simple: You take the plunge and buy a reasonably priced real estate with small “faults” that are easy to fix and without much effort.

To be successful in Real Estate Investment through renovation you make sure that the building is in a not-too-bad condition. It´s vital to make your research! The least you need to fix, the more you can save. Then it’s time to plan, what needs to be done to create a good layout, make it a charming, attractive property that you can rent and make money from?

You should pay particular attention to those things that attract potential tenants: Maybe a modern open plan kitchen, a gorgeous bathroom and a nice garden…

So far you have to invest money, otherwise you cannot earn anything.

After you finished the renovation of your real estate, you now have two options, depending on your financial needs.

If your goal is to raise a sum of money all at once, then look for a buyer for the house.

Coming up with the asking price is simple: your invested money and the targeted profit make up the purchase price at which you resell the property.

If you rather like to have a regular income from your real estate, then rent it out. Like this you have a guaranteed steady income over a longer period.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you always have your real estate and you can sell it anytime to make a larger amount of money.

The only question is: Is real estate investment through renovation not too risky?

The starting point is simple: the cheaper the renovation can be made, the higher the earning potential. Of course, handy people have an advantage here. If you can do a lot yourself, the costs are reduced.

Be balanced. You should not overestimate yourself and certainly not underestimate. With time and commitment, you can work out much yourself. In addition, the Internet is full of information and DIY tutorials.

Of course, you must invest time, but working on a house is fun and, above all, it’s a paid hobby.

Conclusion for Real Estate Investment through renovation

You must be aware that it will take a lot of patience and commitment.

Maybe you don´t find the right tenant straight away. But sooner or later that will be the case. Every entrepreneur, and one such is you if you want to make money, must take some risk. The chance that it will pay is high.

In summary, it can be said that investing money is never easy. However, investing in slightly older properties is a good way to invest your money.

Look around, if you have found the ideal house, go for it!

Here you can find some renovation projects from our site.

It sounds simple: You take the plunge and buy a reasonably priced real estate with small “faults” that are easy to fix and without much effort.

To be successful in Real Estate Investment through renovation you make sure that the building is in a not-too-bad condition. It´s vital to make your research! The least you need to fix, the more you can save. Then it’s time to plan, what needs to be done to create a good layout, make it a charming, attractive property that you can rent and make money from?

You should pay particular attention to those things that attract potential tenants: Maybe a modern open plan kitchen, a gorgeous bathroom and a nice garden…

So far you have to invest money, otherwise you cannot earn anything.

After you finished the renovation of your real estate, you now have two options, depending on your financial needs.

If your goal is to raise a sum of money all at once, then look for a buyer for the house.

Coming up with the asking price is simple: your invested money and the targeted profit make up the purchase price at which you resell the property.

If you rather like to have a regular income from your real estate, then rent it out. Like this you have a guaranteed steady income over a longer period.

If you are experiencing financial dificulties, you always have your real estate and you can sell it anytime to make a larger amount of money.

The only question is: Is real estate investment through renovation not too risky?

The starting point is simple: the cheaper the renovation can be made, the higher the earning potential. Of course, handy people have an advantage here. If you can do a lot yourself, the costs are reduced.

Be balanced. You should not overestimate yourself and certainly not underestimate. With time and commitment, you can work out much yourself. In addition, the Internet is full of information and DIY tutorials.

Of course, you must invest time, but working on a house is fun and, above all, it’s a paid hobby.

Conclusion Real Estate Investment through renovation

You must be aware that it will take a lot of patience and commitment.

Maybe you don´t find the right tenant straight away. But sooner or later that will be the case. Every entrepreneur, and one such is you if you want to make money, must take some risk. The chance that it will pay is high.

In summary, it can be said that investing money is never easy. However, investing in slightly older properties is a good way to invest your money.

Look around, if you have found the ideal house, go for it!

Find some renovation projects on our site.

New must-have to sell your property faster

We at listproperty4free.com are there to help you to rent and sell your property. So far you know us as a reliable partner for free real estate ads that are presented internationally. That will remain so in the future.

However, many of our customers want to have better visibility on our websites to get more inquiries and speed up their sales or rentals. We are therefore very pleased to introduce our new sales booster.

Here is a great tool to help you get the buyers attention and rent or sell your property faster. Make your ad stand out by adding a subtitle.

Stand out from the crowd

Subtitle appears right below the title of your advertisements in our lists and helps you to get more attention.

Extra eye-catcher

Subtitle works very well as an extra eye-catcher on the details page.

bold subtitle in property list
bold subtitle in property list

No lifetime

Once bought the Subtitle add-on will be active as long as your advertisement exists.

It’s cheap and can make a huge difference. Simply go to your ad and click “sell quicker”.

Try it.


This sales booster is already available from € 1.29 / € 1.49! Further details and prices can be found at https://www.listproperty4free.com/pricing.php

We wish you every success in selling or renting your property!

How to generate passive income with real estate

Many people feel trapped: Pressure and stress at work makes them sick. The good news is, there might be a way out. Anyone can generate a passive income through real estate.

All you need to start is some savings or a good friend who lends you some money. When asking for a mortgage at the bank – depending on the bank of course – they usually would like to see that you have at least 20% of house price yourself.

The advantage of passive income through real estate

Setting up a passive income requires some work at the start. It requires some good decisions and a clever management of your real estate investments. If you want to be free of any work, you will probably ask a firm to look after it for you. After that you are laughing! It regularly fills up your bank account without you moving a finger. Life becomes light and free at once. Finally, you have much more time for the things that really matter to you. Usually only a small financing is necessary to get you started.

Financial freedom through real estate

Of course, real estate is not the only way. There are many ways to generate passive income. Some people write a song, a book or create some other sort of art… or others invest in the stock market. Much of it, however, takes a lot of effort and might not lead to anything. Real estate, on the other hand, is very well suited as a passive income generator.  Rental income will last for as long as you are a property owner. You can rent residential or commercial properties. Even if you are sick of it one day you can simply sell it again. 

Real estate as passive income: what should I consider?

Anyone who rents out a property must pay tax on the income. Also, the owner has a high responsibility towards the tenants. But this burden pays off in cash.  You can have it as simple or as complicated as you like… You are totally free to choose to which extend you like to do this. Some real estate owners bought a house one day and rent it permanently, that´s it. Others use the profits to finance the next house, increasing their real estate portfolio. They usually ask a specialized company to do the property management for them.

Once you generate a certain rental income, you can do things you really like. Now you can write a song, a book or create some other sort of art… and it will be more fun because you no longer have to earn an income from it.

House with swimming pool for sale – find cheap holiday homes

Are you looking to buy a nice property in the sun? Then it must come with a swimming pool, right?

When buying a second home many people are looking for that nice holiday feel: Palm trees, beach, cocktails by the pool… as well as peace and quiet, where you can just relax and unwind.

It all depends on your budget…

…you might think. But hold on. Of course, if you have the money you go for the full package: the best real estate in the best location. But only very few people are in that position.

If you are like most, you will probably invest some time on research to get the best bargain. By making some research in Portugal we found out that the local buyers are very different from foreign buyers. For example: A house in in a remote village does not look very appealing for locals, they must do a lot of travelling to go to work, bring the kids to school or to make shop.

Foreign buyers on the other hand love to be in a quiet spot where they can totally relax and forget their busy lives back home.

For foreign buyers this can mean cheaper deals if they look in remote areas.

For real estate agents this means more clients if they offer those properties specifically to foreign clients.

Now, but what about the swimming pool?

On our website you can search only for houses with swimming pool. Just hit the “show more filter criteria” link and you can tick the swimming pool box under extras. You can sort the results to see the cheapest first. This will give you an idea of what is available.

You can just use this link, too:


If there is nothing that you like, don´t give up, good deals go fast! You can create a search alert (yes, including the swimming pool) to be the first to be informed when the next comes up.

And remember, you can always look at real estate without swimming pool that have a good size land and add one yourself. Depending on local prices it might be cheaper than you thought.

Happy swimming!

Use our website to post real estate listings for free

No matter if you are a private seller or a real estate agent you are probably always happy to know another online platform to post real estate listings for free.

In this article, we like to show you quickly some of the features we offer when you list your real estate ad on www.listproperty4free.com.

Can I upload Images with my real estate ad?
Yes – you can upload up to 100 Images with your free ad.

Can I set the location of my real estate ad (Mapping Functionality)?
Yes, this is one of the main features of our website. You can set the location of your property. As a result it will show the location in your ad as well as showing your property on the map on our homepage.

Can I link to outside sites?
No. We currently do not support links to other websites. Rather, if you sign up as a real estate agent you kinda have your own page within our website. This will show like this:


Am I required to create an account?
Yes. You will need to create an account to be able to post your real estate ad for free but there are no strings attached. Therefore, you can easily delete your account anytime you wish and all your data will be deleted.

Are there Special Promotion Options?
Yes, you can book extra features with your ad but this is not free of charge. Please see our pricing page for more details.

Can I post an international ad?
Yes, it does not matter where your property is located. It can be anywhere in the world.

What are you waiting for? Post real estate listings for free for thousands of new possible buyers or tenants on www.listproperty4free.com.

Property for rent in Europe and all over the World

We are happy to announce that now you are also able to list  property for rent on our website.

Discover real estate for rent in Europe. You can do so easily by using our map feature to find the location that suits you best: Property for rent in Europe or wherever you want.

Why do we offer to list rental ads now?

Initially we focused just on for sale ads. We were interested especially to make it easier for possible buyers to find cheap properties for sale and to make the “hot spots” visible on the map. Users liked this very much; we can see that our section for properties below 20,000 EUR is still the best visited page from all sections we have available.

After a while some users started to list rental ads as well. As the rental price is usually below 20,000 EUR it started to mess up our cheap property for sale page. This got increasingly annoying for everybody who was looking to buy a bargain.

So, what to do?

After thinking back and forth we decided: Why not keep everybody happy? We keep the rental ads but give them their own space. So, that’s what we did. Now you are able to list or search rental ads as well. It might be still a bit edgy as originally our site was not designed for rental ads but we will see where it goes.

As a conclusion we can only say that we are happy that you like our website and use it. We know it is not perfect but we like to keep you happy and always appreciate your feedback.

Real estate boom: How small investors can benefit

One word: Crowdinvesting.

Crowdinvesting already allows small amounts to be invested in the lucrative real estate market.

The Austrian and German property market for example is very popular with investors because all big cities are growing steadily.

That’s due to the fact that more and more people are moving to big cities. In Vienna as an example, it is estimated that in 2029, more than two million inhabitants will live there. However, this is associated with major logistical challenges, most important of all: new housing is needed urgently.

This has triggered a real estate boom in the Austrian capital in recent years. The only problem with this was that without a large sum of money in your hands, participation in this lucrative market was impossible.

Now, however, small investors also have the opportunity to earn money from the real estate boom through crowdinvesting.

The idea behind it: The necessary amount for a housing project is not raised by a single large investor. Rather many investors provide the capital through smaller amounts. In return, the small investors receive high returns.

In order to keep track as an investor, several websites provide a good overview and this as a good source for developments and trends, including for the real estate market. The crowdfunding platforms provide clues and ideas for future investment decisions without spending much time on research and analysis.

This could be interesting for those who want to invest in this market for the first time and have not yet had the overview or the necessary capital.

Passive income through crowdinvesting

Crowdinvesting means that smaller investments in the real estate market can also be made. With some Austrian and German platforms one can already invest  small amounts of 100 to 1000 euro.

Here are 2 examples:

Austia – www.rendity.com
Germany – www.exporo.de

In Austria there is no limit for individual investments and in Germany, you can invest up to € 10,000 in a project according to law.
What sounds very simple in theory is not child’s play in practice. The Internet offers a sheer infinite choice of possible investment platforms.

Only a few mouse clicks to the first investment

Once you find an exciting project, it usually only takes a few mouse clicks to complete the investment.

Even though initially only little capital is available, this increases rapidly due to the compounding effect, so you can save a decent amount in just a few years. Also, due to the short maturities, the money still remains available at short notice.

Include total failure of a project

Most crowdinvesting investment properties have a short maturity and carry an annual payout.

At the same time, however, it must also be clear that in the worst case, a total failure of a project can occur. You lost your investment. To avoid this it pays to scatter, so to invest in several objects at the same time.

However, crowdfunding platforms seek to minimize investor risk when complying with the Small Investor Protection Act or Alternative Financing Act (“AltFG”).

Still wanting to prefer to invest in your very own project? Why not start with a small project abroad? Here you can find properties for less than 20,000 EUR: