Pandemic House Hunting: What To Do

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, most industries slowly (or abruptly – depending on the industry) came to a grinding halt. Adjustments for the new normal had to be made for businesses deemed essential. Meanwhile, more frivolous ones have no choice but to wait until everything blows over.

How is real estate faring while all of this is going on? Are people looking for a new home going to have to shelve their future until further notice? The good news is that there are practical ways to adjust to this situation without compromising your health and others’.

Do shelter-in-place research

Like most businesses, real estate all over the world has turned to digital means to keep going during lockdowns and quarantines. Now is the actually best time to do your “home” work.

While you are sheltering-in-place, go online and do some research.

  • Bookmark reliable real estate sites, blogs, forums, and social media pages.
  • Use choice keywords to narrow down your search for the following factors:
    • Locations – Google Maps is a great tool for scouting locations.
    • Neighborhood – is a good way to check the safety of the neighborhood.
    • Dimensions
    • Price range
    • Proximity to schools and businesses
    • Amenities
    • Yelp rating
    • and other factors to help you determine the best possible candidates for your future home.
  • Lookup reputable Property Managers to help you fine-tune your search and provide a pre-approval list.

Go on virtual house tours

Plenty of real estate agencies currently feature virtual house tours using creatively edited videos and slideshows to highlight the properties’ best assets. This is when you can fill in your research with visuals and see if everything is a good fit for what you’re looking for.

These properties are ones where you can go on a virtual tour, and end up getting a good idea of their important aspects:

  • A house tour that offers a 3D walkthrough experience where you can navigate the interiors with ease (like you are in an actual showing).
  • Properties that allow 360° virtual tours so you can “see” all the corners and areas typically not show on traditional slideshows and picture galleries.
  • A virtual tour or “unboxing” of new properties where a presenter does the touring and describes the look and feel of each room and amenities for you.
  • Home and property tours that also give visual information while you “tour”, as if an agent is walking and explaining things right there beside you.

Does the house have the kind of curb appeal you want? Is the layout making the most of the property’s floor plan and dimensions? Is the neighborhood quiet, clean, and offering the kind of convenience you need? Are there unexpected features like sophisticated finishes, natural lighting, a garden, and other factors that other properties do not have? You can go on as many virtual house tours as your heart desires to look for that perfect house (and all its amenities) today.

Avoid red flags

Here is a section on what not to do. Since it has become easy to window-shop for properties with a few clicks, it has also become easy to get scammed by shady real estate agents hard-selling iffy properties. So as not to get conned, consider the following red flags and do your best to investigate (or avoid them altogether):

  • There is no video tour or even enough pictures to give you a clear idea of how the property looks and feels like.
  • If there are pictures or a slideshow, the dimensions are exaggerated or warped.
  • The location leaves much to be desired – such as near busy, noisy roads or somewhere with an unsavory reputation.
  • It has recently been renovated after a disaster – and is back on the market right away.
  • The house has been listed for sale for quite some time (and nobody seems to be interested).
  • The price tag seems too good to be true.

Consult with a reputable Property Manager

A Property Manager can help you fine-tune the research and home tours you have done so far. They are professionals who are well-versed in the language of real estate and all of its requirements. They can help you come up with a list of what to accomplish prior to the actual viewing and purchasing of your future home.

Look for a Property Manager with experience in crisis situations and have exhibited adaptability in seemingly unforeseen circumstances. Those are the best ones who will have your back no matter what. They can help you with controlling costs and negotiating contracts to your favor. And given the current situation, they will insist on safety and health protocols for everyone involved – and not jeopardize it with haphazardly thrown-together site viewing and hard selling.

Fortunately, everything can be found with just a series of clicks. You can look up Property Managers with impressive portfolios and impeccable reputations with just a few keywords and reviews. Now more than ever, the Internet is your best tool for preliminary house-hunting. Use it freely to your advantage.

Bio: Elisha Finman is an experienced RE executive proficient in operations, finances and team building. His track record includes managing a portfolio of New York City multifamily residential buildings. Skilled in all areas of RE management including setting rents, leases, collections and legal, evictions, violations hpd-dob-ecb, building maintenance and instituting cost savings and efficiency measures.

How to Find Cheap Land for Sale in Texas

You are making a wise decision if you are planning to find cheap land for sale in Texas because buying a property in the other states can break the bank. If you see the estimated value of the combined areas in the United States, the total will be around 23 trillion dollars. 

If you will look for land in Texas, the average value per acre is only around 7,500 dollars. The agricultural property is one of the reasons for its reasonable price, which makes Texas one of the ideal places to look for cheap lands.

Why Buying Land in Texas Is More Practical

There are a few reasons why buying land in Texas is more practical. The most obvious is that most areas in Texas are agricultural. Moreover, here is why purchasing an estate in Texas is the right choice, especially if you will use it for agricultural purposes.

  • Local government is less strict on controlling the state’s real estate development.
  • Agricultural lands provide a massive amount of reduction in annual taxes.
  • Financing companies are willing to lend to farmers and landowners.
  • You can be eligible for the Federal income tax Schedule F.

As you can see, if you will use the land for farming, wildlife conservation, and timberland, you can save a great deal in Texas.

How to Find a Cheap Land

Now that you know that Texas offers a better deal than with any other estates, you can lower the price more if you know how to buy one at a lower price.

Aside from paying for the land, you also need to consider the other variables like tax receipts and land surveying. Most often, the new owner pays for tax receipts. You also need a service of a land surveyor to ensure that you are getting the exact land measurement for the price you paid.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

The common types of properties that are cheap are the property, foreclosed, and government-owned. The only con is that it is not easy to find these properties on your own. You need to contact a bank to ask for foreclosed properties or ask help from mediators like land brokers, auctions, and realtors.

Sometimes, you can find the best deal on e-commerce websites like e-Bay and Craigslist.

The best way to acquire the lowest price is to buy a land that is away from the city and establishments offering essential goods, such as grocery stores, schools, and gas stations. Next is to find the owner and haggle directly. If you are lucky, you can come across the owners who are willing to bargain for a low price to get rid of the property.

As you can see, it is not difficult to find cheap land for sale in Texas.

Author: Kelsey Mickens

Who Likes To Rent

The letting industry is booming. The average rent across the UK rose by 2.5% in September 2019 when compared to the same month a year previously. If you’re comparing letting agent fees, landlords are also seeing favourable prices due to the influx of online letting agent offerings.

Increasing average rent and lower letting agent fees are however being offset with tax break cuts & tenant fee bans. So, while there are ever changing variables being faced by landlords, renters are pushing forward unfazed.

It’s clear that in the long term, buying your own property/investing in a buy to let will put you in a better position financially. Aside from those that can’t afford the infamous property deposit, there are those that actually choose to rent.

In this article we look at some of the people that choose to be renters, as opposed to renting due to limited financial options.

The Bachelor

Picture the young, career driven and smart individual (male or female!), enjoying life and exploring where they want to end up in the future.

Rather than buying a long-term property, say a 3 bedroom in the outskirts of London, they may decide they want to rent a modern apartment close to the city.

Now these types of property can be valued in the £1,000,000’s! While the bachelor may not have the financial backing at this stage, their lifestyle may not yet suit a property that’s further out away from the city nightlife.


Parents consider nearby schools as a high priority when deciding where to live.

The best schools are in the most prominent areas, where the houses come at a premium. In addition, parents already located in the region are unlikely to move, lowering supply of houses in that particular area and therefore adding to the price premium.

Parents are willing to pay premium rents in these areas. The extra rental cost can be judged as offsetting costs that would have occurred in putting their child(ren) into a costly private school.

The Renting Landlord

Commonly, a landlord has a property that for various reasons, they don’t want to live in. It could be too close to parents, too far from work or not big enough.

When not wanting to sell, an option is to let out the property, while renting in a property more suitable to themselves.

This allows them to live in a suitable property, while still reaping the rewards of rental income.

Vitally, if you’re one of these individuals looking for a letting agent for your property, you can use Rentround when comparing letting agent fees & performance to get yourself the best deal.

The Divorcee

Sadly, divorce is a part of life.

During or straight after a divorce, the former husband or wife will have a period of instability in their lives. They may be using the opportunity to think about moving to the city or looking to stay near what used to be their family home to stay in close proximity to their children.

During this period, a rental property would be suitable vs. committing to buying a property.

The Contractor

Rather than being a permanent employee with a regular job, the contractor is set up under a private limited company. The person may move from company to company when their contract expires. The benefit of this type of working is high day rates and pre IR35, lower tax vs. a permanent employee.

As a new contract is taken on, the location may vary drastically compared to the contractor’s previous location.

Therefore, renting makes sense in this situation, in comparison to constantly buying & selling or living in hotels.

“I’ll get married soon”

Some people are in long term relationships or single and have their fingers crossed of finding someone soon with the aim to get married. With this mindset and possibility, buying a property as a married couple makes sense.

A couple is likely to have a larger deposit and making it a joint decision on which property to buy, makes the moving in transition easier.

The Speculator

These savvy individuals may be predicting a future down turn in the market. So instead of buying while the price is high, they decide to pay rent up until a potential crash hits prices. The individual can then buy a property at a better price, increasing their profit substantially.

In addition, after a crash it’s common to see interest rates cut and tax subsidies from the government, to re-stimulate the economy as per the 2008 crash fallout. This adds to the benefit of buying after a crash.

However, predicting a crash isn’t easy. If you get it wrong, you could see yourself on the wrong side of property price increases.

All in all, there are many reasons why people prefer to rent as opposed to buying a property. Financially, yes the favour is usually in buying a property. However, for personal, family & work-related reasons, renting provides the flexibility that is often required in people lifestyles. 

About the author: Raj Dosanjh is the founder of letting agent comparison site Rentround. Wearing many hats, Raj also runs a consultancy in the banking industry and his own martial arts club.

Change Orders and Cost Control-All That You Need to Know

When it comes to the completion of construction projects, change orders happen to be one of the major sources of frustration for contractors. At the same time, they have a far-reaching impact on the project scope, cost and timelines, yet it is something that cannot be avoided. However, having a proper change order management system in place enables teams to mitigate the disruptions in costs and schedules. But effective change order management remains a crucial pain point for a majority of construction companies.

Thankfully, big and small firms alike have realised the value of effective project management and cost control software solutions in construction, which have the potential to steer change management in the right direction. But before we talk about these solutions, it is vital to understand the costs associated with change orders in the first place.

Calculating the actual cost of change orders

Even before you start working on project cost control strategies in the face of change orders, it is vital to grasp their actual impact. Apart from the quantified costs, change orders also result in a significant loss of productivity. There is a lot more that exists below the surface. Let us explain the true cost of change orders as segmentation of direct, indirect and consequential costs.

Direct Costs: As the name implies, these are the costs directly influenced by the change order. Typically, this includes labour, equipment, material and other expenses related to the change. Apart from these costs, less obvious expenses such as the cost of the structure redesign, expenses of extra set up and clean up and cost of communication with engineers and crew specifically for implementing the order also come in this category.

Indirect Costs: Essentially, indirect costs include overheads. They may be a fixed or variable part of the project, based on the accounting practices followed by the business. When indirect costs are calculated as a percentage of the overall job, they tend to rise.

Consequential Costs: These are the costs associated with the timing of the change order. It is common for these orders to slow down the efficiency, which can result in consequential expenses that are hard to quantify. This can happen due to factors such as reassigning supervision, diluting labour power and more.

Cost Control with a Digital Solution

Considering the myriad of costs associated with change orders, managing them can be more challenging than you may think. Handling them manually can take a lot of work, right from budgeting for the change to tracking costs, analysing them and preparing reports that are to be passed on to the stakeholders. Apart from the complexity of the manual cost control operations, the chances of error run high when you have to record, access and process information across multiple spreadsheets. To handle such scenarios effectively, a project cost control software solution can prove beneficial as it automates the entire lifecycle and provides actionable insights to take the right steps for monitoring the change order-related costs.

Project managers should look for a holistic project management software solution that not only facilitates cost control but also encompasses other aspects such as ordering supplies, planning deliveries and scheduling labour. One that enables real-time updates in project information is a plus because it will keep the stakeholders informed about cost deviations at all stages.

About the author: The author is a construction project manager with and has a flair for writing as well. Since She has a rich experience in working on construction projects of diverse sizes and scales, he likes sharing them as articles on leading blogs and online platforms.

How to maximise the market value of your home

Owning your own home, whether outright or with a mortgage, gives you lots of opportunities to grow its value, enabling you to profit at the time of any future sale. If you’re wondering about the best ways to maximise the current market value of your home in order to cash in big time in future years, read on.

Before starting to knock any property around, check out local planning laws

Before even beginning to discuss all the different ways you can increase the market value of your home, it’s vital you take a look around your home and think strategically about any future marketing attempt. If you have lots of unnecessary furniture and ornaments cluttering rooms, you may want to think about the benefits of decluttering. You’ll be amazed by just how much more empowered and energised you feel living in a clutter-free home, and may also uncover some of your most valued, long lost treasures during the process!

No matter where you happen to live in the world, it’s quite certain that local planning or building regulations will impact on any decision made to extend your home. Some homeowners apply for planning permissions retrospectively, but this can be a risky tactic. For example, Churchill’s research shows that 40,000 retrospective planning applications were made between 2017 and 2019 in the UK, and that a total of 12% of these applications were declined outright. The most sensible way forward is definitely getting in contact with local planners before any structural works or alterations take place. You could actually be pleasantly surprised, as some works won’t actually require formal planning applications or ongoing inspections.

Top ways to increase the value of any existing home

1. Potential property buyers always rate kerb/garden appeal highly

There are lots of ways that the market value of homes with gardens can be increased, without any need for building works. Maximising the kerb or garden appeal of your home shouldn’t be underestimated, and it may only require keeping on top of all regular maintenance and lawn care. Adding a patio or deck is one way to create entertaining space outdoors, and this is often top of the list for many homebuyers. Of course, if you’re an apartment dweller, you may only have access to an outdoor balcony or patio, but these small spaces can still be transformed into charming outside spaces with good planning.

The kerb appeal of your home relates to first impressions, so a lick of fresh paint on woodwork, a tidy front garden, and sparkling windows are all essentials that help to maximise the market value of your home.

2. Converting your loft or attic space

You could add even more value to your home by creating an extra bedroom or office, and lofts are often the ideal space to consider. Check with local planners before starting any building works, as regulations are likely to be in force. Some of the planning issues that will need consideration include staircase access, windows, and requirements for any en-suite bathroom or shower room. It’s often a good idea to involve an architect from the outset, and unless you’re a DIY expert it’s probably best to hire some professional help.

3. Extending your home to the side or rear to create larger living spaces downstairs

Many city and rural dwellers in terraced or semi-detached homes find that extending the downstairs space to the side and back can provide even more room, which is particularly valuable for growing families. In the UK, extensions like this are often considered permitted developments and may not even require formal planning permissions. However, check all this out beforehand, as any works to party walls which are shared with neighbours may well need planning investigation.

Some of the other valuable ways to maximise the capital locked in your existing home include:

– Turning an integral garage into a room, which can be a valuable way to free up unused space

– Adding a conservatory

– Converting a cellar into a basement room

Your existing home could be the key to gaining your dream home in the future, so staying on top of clutter and adding extensions or upgrades can be an excellent way to truly make the most of your property investment.

Author: Hubert Day

Design Project of an Apartment – Where to Begin

Once there is a design project, it has stages of its development.

1. Making an apartment plan.

2. Development of a sketch of the project.

3. The choice of a common design concept, taking into account the characteristics of each room.

4. Preparation of drawings.

5. The choice of accessories and decor items.

The implementation of the first paragraph is impossible without taking measurements. Accuracy is important here since any error can lead to problems at further stages of the project.

Apartment plan

You can draw a plan either manually or using graphic programs. It indicates all sizes, the location of windows and doors, new walls and partitions (if necessary), niches and various changes that will improve the appearance and functionality of the room.

When creating a plan, it is important to consider the purpose of each room, the number of residents who will live in the apartment, and their lifestyle. If there is only one room, it is important to correctly separate the zone of sleep and leisure, work. Next, you need to duplicate the project and draw a sketch of the arrangement of furniture and equipment on a new sheet.

Sketch of premises

The sketch allows you to decide on the interior concept, choose the style and design features of the apartment. To achieve a balance in the palette and details, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features and rules of using the selected direction in advance. To create a detailed sketch, computer programs such as Homestyler, HomeByMe, SmartDraw, IKEA Home Planner, Sweet Home 3D, Planner 5D and others are used.

Interior Design

After the concept is selected, and the desired style is fully understood, you can proceed to detail the design of each room. In addition to the texture and color of finishing materials, furniture upholstery, textiles, and the location of fixtures are selected to achieve the desired level of illumination in each zone.

Decor elements are selected at the last moment when the sketch will have a full arrangement of furniture, a detailed color palette, the location of lighting fixtures. It is not necessary to indicate all the decorative elements, but only those for which you need to prepare (leave) a place.

Creating design project drawings

The drawing is an amended plan, which indicates not only the dimensions but also the location of the heating equipment. As well as communications, plumbing, electrical wiring, sockets, and switches. The drawings also indicate the features of the room that need special attention (extension of the windowsill, the need to install drywall constructions, underfloor heating, etc.).

The choice of accessories and decor items

To come with accessories and décor items is the most creative part of developing a design project. At this stage, the texture of the furniture and its color, the design of lighting fixtures, paintings and various objects of the decor of the room, accessories are selected. All details should correspond to the chosen style and harmonize in the palette. You can sketch in advance or simply trust your taste and intuition. This is the advantage of a do-it-yourself design project. No one will dictate the rules – each element will be matched with the soul.

If you cannot choose exactly the furniture that is necessary to implement the general concept. You can always draw a few more sketches and make it by hand, or order it from professionals.

About the author: Melisa Marzett is a freelance writer who writes articles for and also a traveler who is not afraid of anything, who welcomes any challenges and believes firmly that whatever doesn`t kill us, makes us stronger.